CR A30.4
Read, demonstrate comprehension of, and apply knowledge from grade-appropriate informational (including editorials, reviews, and articles) and literary (including fiction, script, poetry, and non-fiction) texts from First Nations, Métis, Saskatchewan, and Canadian authors as a basis for understanding self and the multiplicity of voices and perspectives that make up Canadian culture.
Indicators for this outcome

Read, comprehend, and respond to informational and literary texts by First Nations, Métis, Saskatchewan, and Canadian authors, and explain how the texts represent our Canadian literary and cultural heritage.


Select deliberately and use effectively a variety of before (page 28), during (page 29), and after (page 30) strategies to construct and confirm meaning when reading texts.


Use language cues and conventions (page 24) of a variety of informational and literary texts to construct and confirm meaning when reading.


Demonstrate critical reading behaviours to analyze meanings, ideas, language, and literary quality in a range of contemporary and historical texts:

  • Establish a purpose for reading such as to learn, interpret, andenjoy
  • Skim, scan, and read closely
  • Identify and analyze explicit and implicit messages, viewpoints, and concepts
  • Analyze the ways in which a text's organizational structure and elements support or confound its purpose
  • Relate understanding of a range of texts to personal experience, purposes, audience, and other texts
  • Evaluate accuracy (e.g., differentiate fact from opinion), credibility, logic, and usefulness of ideas and information presented
  • Differentiate between literal and figurative statements
  • Recognize and comprehend symbols and allusions
  • Test ideas and values presented in texts
  • Use note making and outlining to enhance understanding of texts.

Recognize and evaluate major literary forms and techniques and how the forms are shaped into an artistic unit.


Identify the elements of the authors' styles and the methods by which they are achieved.


Paraphrase the main ideas, events, or themes in a variety of sophisticated literary and informational texts, along with supportive evidence.


Develop coherent and plausible interpretations of a variety of sophisticated print texts.


Support a position, interpretation, or response by citing specific details, features, and ideas from what was read.


Demonstrate an appreciation of the power and beauty of language, past and present, in print texts.
