SightLines 9
SightLines 9 offers a wide range of contemporary materials that support outcome-based teaching and learning. This integrated resource, consisting of both student and teacher materials, provides a variety of opportunities to learn how to use the six language strands.
•  SightLines 9. Audio CD Package
•  SightLines 9. Student Anthology
•  SightLines 9. Teacher Guide
Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD
Price : unavailable
Record posted/updated: November 1, 2019
A Night to Remember
The classic account of the sinking of the Titanic after the fatal collision with an iceberg is recounted in this book. Lord interviewed more than 60 survivors to record the behaviour of the passengers and the crew.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $18.50
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Nelson Literacy 9
Nelson Literacy 9 provides support for the three curriculum goals: comprehend and respond, compose and create and assess and reflect on language abilities. It also addresses the six strands: viewing, listening, reading, representing, speaking and writing.
Included in the resource is a variety of formats to support resource-based learning. Instructional strategies are explained and differentiating instruction is addressed to assist teachers with the diversity within the classrooms. The "Release of Responsibility" model has students demonstrating and applying their knowledge in a variety of ways.
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•  Nelson Literacy 9. Media Package
•  Nelson Literacy 9. Selections for Modelling and Demonstration
•  Nelson Literacy 9. Student Book 9A
•  Nelson Literacy 9. Student Book 9B
•  Nelson Literacy 9. Teacher's Resource Kit
Media and Formats : Book CD/DVD Kit
Price : unavailable
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
The Breadwinner
The Taliban forbid women and girls to appear in public without being covered from head to toe and accompanied by a male family member. Parvana's father is arrested and the family is left without a breadwinner - someone who can earn money and shop for food. As conditions for the family become desperate, only one solution remains. Forbidden to earn money as a girl, Parvana disguises herself as a boy and becomes the breadwinner. This novel brings to life an issue that has recently come to light around the world.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
No Time to Say Goodbye: Children's Stories of Kuper Island Residential School
This novel is the fictional story of five young people from the Tsartlip First Nations who were sent to the Kuper Island Residential School. The government and the churches took children from their homes for long periods of time, during which they were not permitted to see their families. The authors try to deal with some of the abuses that occurred such as mandatory haircuts, sexual abuse, poor food, loneliness and humiliation over bedwetting. Readers witness the struggle of the students to survive in such a harsh culture.
The Saskatchewan Young Readers' Choice Awards nominated this book for a Snow Willow Award in 2003.
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Media and Formats : Book
Topic : Truth and Reconciliation
Price : $9.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Crossroads 9. Student Edition
The student anthology is organized into six main units: Personal Focus, Science and Technology, Media Perspectives, Issues and two genre units - Short Stories and Essays. Each unit features a unit-at-a-glance page that identifies key learning outcomes and provides end-of-unit reflection activities that form the basis for formative assessment and evaluation. There are crosscurricular links throughout.
•  Crossroads 9. Teacher's Guide (Western Edition)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $74.50
Record posted/updated: November 1, 2019
Live Ink 9-10
This integrated resource supports the English language arts curriculum at both the Grades 9 and 10 levels. The variety of text selections allow for student engagement in the six strands.
Inquiry is built into the modules and allows for the student to continually reflect upon the big question. Opportunities exist to make the learning relevant to adolescents.
•  Don't Label Me! Module Kit
•  Don't Label Me! Online eKit
•  Don't Label Me! Student Edition
•  Don't Label Me! Teacher's Guide
•  Get Real! Module Kit
•  Get Real! Online eKit
•  Get Real! Student Edition
•  Get Real! Teacher's Guide
•  Heroes or Zeros? Module Kit
•  Heroes or Zeros? Online eKit
•  Heroes or Zeros? Student Edition
•  Heroes or Zeros? Teacher's Guide
•  Live Lines. Module Kit
•  Live Lines. Online eKit
•  Live Lines. Student Edition
•  Live Lines. Teacher's Guide
•  Looking for Me? Module Kit
•  Looking for Me? Online eKit
•  Looking for Me? Student Edition
•  Looking for Me? Teacher's Guide
•  Out Loud. Module Kit
•  Out Loud. Online eKit
•  Out Loud. Student Edition
•  Out Loud. Teacher's Guide
•  Upload. Module Kit
•  Upload. Online eKit
•  Upload. Student Edition
•  Upload. Teacher's Guide
•  What's Your Problem? Module Kit
•  What's Your Problem? Online eKit
•  What's Your Problem? Student Edition
•  What's Your Problem? Teacher's Guide
Media and Formats : Book
Price : unavailable
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Sea Chase
Fifteen-year-old Brodie and his father are sailing their small yacht in the Caribbean near Colombia when Brodie's father disappears from the yacht in the middle of the night. Brodie sets out to find his father and soon discovers that he has been kidnapped by drug runners/pirates. Brodie is joined by Carlota, a young Colombian girl, in his quest to save his father. Themes in the novel include having direction and purpose in life and developing self-reliance and resourcefulness.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $12.99
Record posted/updated: February 1, 2019
Take the Stairs
Take the Stairs is a collection of short stories that deals with some of the important issues that teens face today such as abuse, abortion, death, AIDS, suicide, runaways and racism. The novel's 13 characters are interconnected in that they all live in the same rundown apartment which is notoriously called "The Building," a place they cannot wait to leave. The teens cope with some difficult circumstances, but they still have a feeling of hope in their lives.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Fifteen-year-old Ian must complete community volunteer service in order to pass his Civics class. He chooses to work at "The Club," a soup kitchen for the homeless in an unsafe part of the city.
When the man who saved Ian shows up at the soup kitchen, he gets to know "Sarge." Jacques was a soldier in the Canadian Armed Forces and his last tour of duty was as a peacekeeper stationed in Rwanda, an African nation Ian knows little about.
Ian begins to learn truths not only about Rwanda, but about the world, for which he is not at all prepared. Shattered invites students to ask themselves what they can do to make a difference in the world.
Lieutenant-General Roméo Dallaire, the Force Commander for the United Nations Mission to Rwanda, wrote the foreword to the book.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $10.99
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
The Alchemist's Daughter
Sidonie Quince lives in Elizabethan England. Her father is an alchemist who conducts unsuccessful experiments in an effort to transmute base metals into gold. He promises the Queen results and Sidonie fears for his life if he fails.
Sidonie has a gift for scrying - foretelling the future by gazing into a crystal. Sidonie and her friend, Kit, set off to Glastonbury Abbey in search of the missing ingredient that will make her father's experiments successful.
Many historical characters and events provide the backdrop for Sidonie's adventures, including Queen Elizabeth I, William Shakespeare, Sir Philip Sidney and the Spanish Armada. Conversations are conducted using words, expressions and linguistic structures typical of the Elizabethan period.
The Alchemist's Daughter was nominated for a 2005 Saskatchewan Book Award.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $15.95
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Charlie Wilcox
McKay successfully blends fact and fiction about her great uncle, Charlie Wilcox. Charlie Wilcox is a Newfoundlander born into a family of sailors and sealers. A clubfoot prevents Charlie from following in the family tradition. When Charlie is in St. John's pursuing a higher education, he makes his way to the harbour and boards a boat that he thinks is a sailing vessel. Fourteen-year-old Charlie does not realize that he has climbed on a boat sailing for Europe with soldiers to fight in World War I! Because Charlie is too young to fight, he becomes a medic. Charlie Wilcox highlights the historical context of Newfoundland before Confederation and the life of a soldier.
The Saskatchewan Young Readers' Willow Choice Awards Committee nominated this book for a Snow Willow Award in 2004.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.99
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Sword of the Rightful King: A Novel of King Arthur
Students will enjoy the retelling of the legend of Arthur and his loyal magician Merlinnus. In the legend, there is a sword in the stone and anyone who pulls the sword from the stone will become the King of Britain. The evil Queen of the North, Morgause, tries to murder Arthur to gain the throne for one of her sons. It takes the skill of Merlinnus and his young apprentice, Gawen, to retain the crown for King Arthur.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $10.32
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
One on One
While hockey provides a thematic strand for the book, the protagonist, Sean, has more to address than pressures of the team sport and a perfectionist father. Complex family issues include an ethical situation that requires Sean to decide whether to do what is right or to support his father by withholding evidence involving criminal charges. The story is one that provides the hook of hockey and a familiar prairie setting in Alberta, but is given depth through the issues and the complexities of human relationships.
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Media and Formats : Book
Price : $9.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Stories of Courage: Saskatchewan Second World War Veterans Remember
This series of eight videos presents the personal stories of 17 Saskatchewan residents who served during the World War II.
•  Aboriginal War Experiences. Episode 5
•  Commemoration. Episode 8
•  HMCS Regina. Episode 3
•  Price of Freedom. Episode 2
•  Prisoners of War. Episode 4
•  Soldiers Return Home. Episode 7
•  Supporting the Troops. Episode 6
•  Training and Preparing for War. Episode 1
Price : unavailable
Record posted/updated: August 24, 2021