
View and demonstrate comprehension and evaluation of visual and multimedia texts including illustrations, maps, charts, graphs, pamphlets, photography, art works, video clips, and dramatizations to glean ideas suitable for identified audience and purpose.

Indicators for this outcome

Demonstrate effective, active viewing behaviours including considering what one knows and needs to know about the topic, viewing with a clearly defined purpose in mind, identifying different explicit and implicit messages in text, identifying and evaluating how elements (e.g., use of space, size, placement, camera angles, body movements) and other techniques were used to influence the audience and communicate the message, and identifying bias, stereotyping, emotional persuasion, and propaganda.


Use visual and multimedia texts as sources of information as well as entertainment.


Recognize that images, symbols, and other effects play a role in shaping understanding and interpretation of visual and multimedia texts.


Evaluate common techniques used in visual and multimedia texts.


Recognize the elements and principles of design in any visual or multimedia (including digital) text.


Analyze and evaluate what is viewed (including elements, techniques, and overall effect), and identify how the text was constructed, shaped, and produced.
