Explore, express, and apply, a variety of ways to skillfully move the body through space while participating in movement activities, including at a:
  • utilization level of skills when:
    • walking
    • running
    • jumping forward and landing
    • jumping sideways and landing
  • control level of skill when:
    • jumping backward and landing
    • hopping (body moves on one foot as in right foot to right foot)
    • skipping (combines a step and a hop)
    • leaping (body `takes off' from one foot, propels through air for distance, then lands on the opposite foot)
    • sliding (one foot steps and the other moves to meet the first foot, "step-close")
    • galloping (one foot steps, body propels upward, other foot moves to meet the first foot)
    • rolling forward (see note)
    • rolling sideways
  • progressing-towards-control level of skill when:
    • rolling backward (see note on page 34).
Indicators for this outcome

Use performance words (e.g., "land on lead foot", "swing arms through large arc") to demonstrate understanding of performance cues language connected to skillful locomotor movement.


Say performance cues (think-aloud) while jumping backward, rolling forward and sideways, hopping, skipping, galloping, leaping, sliding, and rolling backwards.


Describe how the body will move when in control of jumping backward, rolling forward and sideways, hopping, skipping, galloping, leaping, and sliding skillfully and safely.


Walk forward and backward at varying speeds, following a variety of given directions and pathways, keeping head up and avoiding collisions.


Run forward and backward at varying speeds, starting and stopping on signal, keeping head up and avoiding collisions.


Walk forward and backward keeping in time with a partner.


Walk and run through obstacle courses (e.g., ropes, cones, hoops on the floor) without touching obstacles and improving timed performance with each repeated attempt.


Jump forward or sideways and land in control (see grade one for description) in the sand, playing hopscotch, over ropes and floor lines, and into hoops (two feet to two feet, one foot to two feet, one foot to one foot, two feet to one foot).


Jump forward or sideways off slightly raised objects such as benches and boxes showing different body shapes while in the air and then landing on feet in control.


Mimic the jumping and landing, running, and walking movements of others.


Perform a traveling sequence described by the teacher (e.g., run, take off from one foot, land on two feet and then lower self into sideways roll on the ground).


Create and perform, alone or with a partner, a traveling sequence that includes walking, running, jumping forward and sideways, and landing in control.


Jump backward by swinging arms backward upon takeoff; extending hips, knees, and ankles fully at takeoff, with the body angled forward at 45 degrees or less; moving legs backward and arms downward in preparation for landing; landing with toes contacting the ground first, followed by the balls of the feet and then heels of the feet; flexing knees and leaning body forward to maintain control of the centre of gravity forward over the feet.


Hop forward at least five times on one foot, bending knee and ankle on contact with floor, keeping knee slightly bent throughout the movement then switching feet to continue the forward hopping motion.


Skip forward at least five times, alternating legs, with lead leg stepping forward, and then hopping, and rear leg stepping forward, and then hopping into next skip.


Gallop forward at least five times lifting lead leg, bending lead leg, and then thrusting the lead leg forward before landing on lead foot, moving rear foot quickly to lead foot, and shifting weight from lead foot to free foot into next gallop.


Leap forward at least five times by extending body forward and upward, swinging arms through large arc – synchronized opposition to legs, and bending knee and ankle in contact with the floor to move into another leap.


Slide sideways, in both directions, stepping lead foot quickly in direction of travel, moving free foot quickly to the lead foot and shifting weight from lead foot to free foot.


Stop any traveling skill on signal with control (not falling down).


Roll forward with hands and arms receiving body weight evenly at the beginning of roll, keeping chin tucked to chest, sliding head through, with it lightly touching the floor so neck does not bear weight, shifting weight from arms to shoulders, lifting arms off mat as shoulders touch the mat, shifting weight onto a curved back, and keeping body curled as weight moves to feet.


Roll sideways with arms stretching above head, keeping body in a straight line and feet tight together, maintaining a straight line of direction for movement.


Roll sideways two consecutive times starting with knees through ankles in contact with the mat, body in a tucked position, arms hugging legs, rolling sideways over a curved back and ending with knees through ankles in contact with the mat.


Explore, with guidance, and describe how the body moves when rocking forward and backward while lying on back.


Practise trying to reach feet high in the air and/or touching feet to ground beyond head while lying on back and moving body weight over shoulders.


Roll on back like a rocking horse keeping knees together, bent and pulled into chest, and chin tucked to chest, with head and neck staying off the floor, and maintaining rocking motion until teacher indicates to stop.
