(a) |
Identify different lines, colours, textures, shapes, forms, and patterns in surroundings and art works, and apply this understanding in own work. |
(b) |
Use diverse sources such as stories, poems, observations, visual images, music, sounds, or objects as inspiration for art making. |
(c) |
Discuss how artists and scientists use their senses to observe and record characteristics of plants, animals, and humans in the environment (e.g., observing nature, sounds, movement, and visual details). |
(d) |
Recognize the difference between the natural and built environments. |
(e) |
Ask questions about own environment to contribute to inquiry through visual art (e.g., Why do birds have different coloured feathers? How can we use these art materials to make interesting birds? Do some birds have special meaning in some cultures? How can we use feathers in our art? Are there some feathers that we cannot use, and why?). |
(f) |
Select from a variety of art materials, tools, and paper size when creating a visual art expression (e.g., found objects, digital cameras, household items, wire). |
(g) |
Observe and identify details of the physical appearance of plants, animals, people, and objects, and create visual representations. |
(h) |
Demonstrate co-ordination and development of skills in the use of simple visual art tools and materials. |
(i) |
Discuss choices made in creating art works. |
(j) |
Observe and identify the concepts of big and small. |
(k) |
Observe and identify top, bottom, front, back, and sides. |
(l) |
Observe and identify objects from different viewpoints (e.g., near, far, high, low) and describe what is seen. |