Solve visual art problems in new and unfamiliar ways.
Indicators for this outcome

Take risks by working in unfamiliar ways (e.g., new ideas, techniques, or media).


Experiment with new ways of using symbols and manipulation of images.


Solve visual art challenges or problems in innovative ways (e.g., imaginative use of point of view, perspective, colour theory, proportion, exaggeration, or distortion).


Describe own decision-making and problem-solving processes, and reflect on the effectiveness of choices made.

Advertising Layout II: Visual Directions
This program builds understanding of how elements of art and principles of design are applied to the creation of magazine advertisements and posters. The program shows students how to attract a viewer's attention with the layout concepts commonly known as picture window, silhouette, square zero, Mondrian style, closure, oversizing, juxtaposition, surrealism and shock. Examples show how graphic designers direct attention within an ad by using various compositional techniques such as diagonal, standard, "C," "Z," overlapping and spatial progression. The video concludes with a section on the importance and practical use of headlines and sub-headlines. Teachers may wish to show the video in shorter segments as students discuss and/or experiment with specific compositional techniques.
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Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $159.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Advertising Layout I: Space Allocations
This program builds understanding of elements of art and principles of design as applied to the creation of magazine advertisements and posters. Examples demonstrate effective and ineffective advertising layout by addressing recommended space allocation for the illustration, headline, copy and logo and whether to use a photograph or original art for the illustration. In addition, the program covers headline issues such as overprinting, reverse type and typefaces and shows examples of the optical centre, symmetrical and asymmetrical balance and the Kodak "rule of thirds." The layout techniques of vertical half, horizontal half, corner half, white space, bleed and borders are also discussed. The program may be viewed in shorter sections as students examine and experiment with specific design or composition techniques.
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Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $159.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Design. All About Color
In this program, interior designer Brandi Hagen addresses the history and development of colour theories, the colour wheel, warm and cool colours, and colour schemes in clothing and interior design. She provides examples for concepts and terminology used in colour theory (e.g., hue, value, chroma) and the colour wheel (e.g., primary, secondary, complementary, analagous, tertiary). The video is produced in chapters so that it is easy to choose a particular section.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $99.95
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018
Understanding Brands
This program addresses what a brand is, the power of branding, what makes a brand, the creation and evolution of brands and the influence of brands. It defines and gives examples of corporate, family, individual and personal brands. Teens on a city street ask various passers by to identify brand marks and give their opinions about the influence of brands on their purchasing practices. A branding and marketing expert points out how branding is more than a product and involves a vision or idea that requires a strategy for engaging consumers. He also discusses the relationship between brands, historical contexts and societal values.
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Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $95.00
Record posted/updated: November 22, 2018