Create dance compositions that express perspectives and raise awareness about a topic of concern to youth.
Investigate and use choreographic processes (e.g., individual and collaborative choreography).
Choreograph duo or small group work.
Demonstrate how roles may be developed and how dramatic characters communicate meaning to an audience.
Manipulate drama strategies and theatrical elements (e.g., story, character, design, space) to achieve dramatic purpose.
Express perspectives and raise awareness about a topic of concern to youth in a collective creation.
Use voice, instruments, and technologies to express musical ideas.
Combine the elements of music and principles of composition to express unified musical ideas.
Compose and perform sound compositions to express perspectives and raise awareness about a topic of concern to youth.
Create visual art works to express perspectives and raise awareness about a topic of concern to youth.
Select and use appropriate forms, technologies, images, and art-making processes to convey ideas about a topic of concern to youth.
Solve visual art problems in new and unfamiliar ways.
Respond to professional dance, drama, music, and visual art works through individual or collaborative inquiry and the creation of own arts expressions.
Investigate and identify ways that today's arts expressions can inspire change.
Investigate and identify how arts expressions can challenge thinking about values, ideas, and beliefs.
Investigate and discuss the role of artists in raising awareness or taking action on topics of concern.
Use the arts to raise awareness on topics of concern to Indigenous artists in dance, drama, music, and visual arts.
Investigate diversity of artistic ideas, styles, and media in contemporary arts expressions.
Create interdisciplinary arts expressions individually or through collaboration with peers, and examine the work of artists who create interdisciplinary expressions (e.g., sound and poetry, performance art, audio visual installations).