Manipulate drama strategies and theatrical elements (e.g., story, character, design, space) to achieve dramatic purpose.
Indicators for this outcome

Propose how best to incorporate various drama strategies to achieve intentions.


Demonstrate awareness of how focus is maintained and shifts as the drama unfolds.


Reflect on sources and function of tension in the drama work.


Examine how contrast functions within the drama work.


Negotiate skillfully and work toward consensus in dramatic work.


Recognize and refine how roles and characters function in drama work.


Propose ideas for use of symbols in drama work.


Manipulate tension, focus, contrast, and symbol to help achieve intention.


Propose when to use different strategies to communicate ideas effectively.


Collaborate on development of technical theatre elements to support dramatic purpose (e.g., lighting, set, costume, sound design).

100 Acting Exercises for 8-18 Year Olds
This teacher resource provides activities to be used as warm-ups and for lessons. There are a variety of practical acting exercises described which would be useful in any drama class. Topics include voice, movement, relaxation, character development, and understanding text.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $28.98
Record posted/updated: June 11, 2021