Demonstrate how roles may be developed and how dramatic characters communicate meaning to an audience.
Indicators for this outcome

Assume and develop different kinds of roles in drama work.


Analyze how the various roles assumed interact with others and help to further the drama work.


Demonstrate how roles may be developed (e.g., through interaction with others, through improvisation and research).


Investigate ways that dramatic characters communicate meaning to others.


Demonstrate focus and concentration in role.


Collaborate with other students to explore inquiry questions to develop roles and characters (What if your character came to school in the morning and heard that ...?).


Recognize how research contributes to the authenticity and significance of role and character work.


Use language and drama strategies to achieve dramatic purpose and communicate meaning to an audience.


Use technology to enhance or clarify dramatic intentions (e.g., videotape improvisations, create lighting and sound effects).

100 Acting Exercises for 8-18 Year Olds
This teacher resource provides activities to be used as warm-ups and for lessons. There are a variety of practical acting exercises described which would be useful in any drama class. Topics include voice, movement, relaxation, character development, and understanding text.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $28.98
Record posted/updated: June 11, 2021