Demonstrate understanding of radical and rational functions with restrictions on the domain.
Indicators for this outcome

Sketch the graph of the function $y=√x$ using a table of values, and state the domain and range of the function.


Develop, generalize, explain, and apply transformations to the function $y=√x$ to sketch the graph of $y-k=a√{b(x-h)}$.


Sketch the graph of the function $y=√{f(x)}$ given the graph of the function $y=f(x)$, and compare the domains and ranges of the two functions.


Describe the relationship between the roots of a radical equation and the x-intercepts of the graph of the corresponding radical function.


Determine, graphically, the approximate solutions to radical equations.


Sketch rational functions, with and without the use of technology.


Explain the behaviour (shape and location) of the graphs of rational functions for values of the dependent variable close to the location of a vertical asymptote.


Analyze the equation of a rational function to determine where the graph of the rational function has an asymptote or a hole, and explain why.


Match a set of equations for rational and radical functions to their corresponding graphs.


Describe the relationship between the roots of a rational equation and the x-intercepts of the graph of the corresponding rational function.


Determine graphically an approximate solution to a rational equation.


Critique statements such as "Any value that makes the denominator of a rational function equal to zero will result in a vertical asymptote on the graph of the rational function".

McGraw-Hill Ryerson Pre-Calculus 12. Student Edition
The student text consists of four units. Each unit opens with a two-page spread. The first page introduces what the students will learn throughout the unit and the second page introduces the unit project. Throughout the chapters are project corner boxes that will assist students to gather information for their projects. Each unit culminates with the project wrap-up. The chapters include career information based on the skills that will be learned. Opportunities are provided for students to mak...
(More information)
•  McGraw-Hill Ryerson Pre-Calculus 12. Interactive Student Resource DVD
•  McGraw-Hill Ryerson Pre-Calculus 12. Interactive Teacher's Resource DVD
•  McGraw-Hill Ryerson Pre-Calculus 12. Teacher's Resource (Print & CD-ROM)
•  McGraw-Hill Ryerson Pre-Calculus 12. Teacher's Resource Package (Print, CD-ROM, Interactive Teacher's Resource DVD)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $81.29
Record posted/updated: August 13, 2019