Demonstrate understanding of polynomials and polynomial functions of degree greater than 2 (limited to polynomials of degree $≤ 5$ with integral coefficients).
Indicators for this outcome

Develop, generalize, explain, and apply long division for dividing polynomials by binomials of the form $x-a,a∈I$.


Compare long division of polynomial expressions by binomial expressions to synthetic division, and explain why synthetic division works.


Divide a polynomial expression by a binomial expression of the form $x-a,a∈I$ using synthetic division.


Explain the relationship between the linear factors of a polynomial expression and the zeros of the corresponding polynomial function.


Generalize, through inductive reasoning, the relationship between the remainder when a polynomial expression is divided by $x-a,a∈I$ and the value of the polynomial expression at $x=a$ (The Remainder Theorem).


Explain and apply the factor theorem to express a polynomial expression as a product of factors.


Categorize, with justification, a set of functions into polynomial functions and non-polynomial functions.


Analyze graphs of polynomial functions to determine the impact of changing the values of the constant term and leading coefficient in the equation of a polynomial function with respect to the graph of the function.


Generalize and apply strategies for graphing polynomial functions of an odd or even degree.


Explain the relationship between:

  • the zeros of a polynomial function,
  • the roots of the corresponding polynomial equation,
  • the x-intercepts of the graph of the polynomial function.


Explain and apply strategies for determining the behaviour of the graph of a polynomial function at zeros with different multiplicities.


Sketch, with or without the use of technology, the graph of a polynomial function.


Solve situational questions by modelling the situations with polynomial functions and analyzing the graphs of the functions.

McGraw-Hill Ryerson Pre-Calculus 12. Student Edition
The student text consists of four units. Each unit opens with a two-page spread. The first page introduces what the students will learn throughout the unit and the second page introduces the unit project. Throughout the chapters are project corner boxes that will assist students to gather information for their projects. Each unit culminates with the project wrap-up. The chapters include career information based on the skills that will be learned. Opportunities are provided for students to mak...
(More information)
•  McGraw-Hill Ryerson Pre-Calculus 12. Interactive Student Resource DVD
•  McGraw-Hill Ryerson Pre-Calculus 12. Interactive Teacher's Resource DVD
•  McGraw-Hill Ryerson Pre-Calculus 12. Teacher's Resource (Print & CD-ROM)
•  McGraw-Hill Ryerson Pre-Calculus 12. Teacher's Resource Package (Print, CD-ROM, Interactive Teacher's Resource DVD)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $81.29
Record posted/updated: August 13, 2019