Foundations of Mathematics 30
Demonstrate understanding of financial decision making including analysis of:
- renting, leasing, and buying
- credit
- compound interest
- investment portfolios.
Demonstrate understanding of inductive and deductive reasoning including:
- analysis of conditional statements
- analysis of puzzles and games involving numerical and logical reasoning
- making and justifying decisions
- solving problems.
Demonstrate understanding of set theory and its applications.
([CN, PS, R, V])
Extend understanding of odds and probability.
([C, CN, ME])
Extend understanding of the probability of two events, including events that are:
- mutually exclusive
- non-mutually exclusive
- dependent
- independent.
Demonstrate understanding of combinatorics including:
- the fundamental counting principle
- permutations (excluding circular permutations)
- combinations.
Demonstrate understanding of the representation and analysis of data using:
- polynomial functions of degree ≤ 3
- logarithmic functions
- exponential functions
- sinusoidal functions.
Research and give a presentation of a current event or an area of interest that requires data collection and analysis.
([C, CN, ME, PS, R, T, V])