Create dance compositions that express ideas and student perspectives on social issues (e.g., poverty, racism, homophobia, sustainability, gangs).
Investigate and use choreographic forms (e.g., theme and variations, canon).
Choreograph one section of group choreography.
Demonstrate how dramatic characters interact in relationships within the drama and/or collective creation.
Investigate how theatrical elements (e.g., story, character, design, space) are combined to achieve dramatic purpose.
Express student perspectives on social issues (e.g., poverty, racism, homophobia, sustainability, gangs) in drama and/or collective creation.
Improvise, compose, and perform (e.g., with voice, instruments, and technologies) a selection of pieces in contrasting styles.
Investigate and make choices about musical structures in sound composition.
Compose sound compositions in response to social issues (e.g., poverty, racism, homophobia, sustainability, gangs).
Create visual art works that express student perspectives on social issues (e.g., poverty, racism, homophobia, sustainability).
Select and use appropriate forms, technologies, images, and art-making processes to express student perspectives on social issues.
Solve visual art problems using a variety of processes and media.
Respond to professional dance, drama, music, and visual art works through the creation of own arts expressions.
Investigate and identify ways that today's arts expressions often reflect concern for social issues.
Investigate and identify how arts expressions can reflect diverse worldviews.
Research and share insights about arts expressions that incorporate social commentary.
Analyze the influence of social issues on the work of contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit artists, and share results.
Demonstrate understanding of how contemporary artists use and incorporate new technology into their work.
Examine and respond to the work of artists who incorporate more than one art form in their work (e.g., combining poetry and music).