- representing (including place value)
- describing
- skip counting
- differentiating between odd and even numbers
- estimating with referents
- comparing two numbers
- ordering three or more numbers.
[C, CN, ME, PS, R, V]
(a) |
Describe the patterns related to quantity and place value of adjacent digit positions moving from right to left within a whole number. |
(b) |
Describe the meaning of quantities to 100 by relating them to self, family, or community and explain what effect each successive numeral position has on the actual quantity. |
(c) |
Pose and solve problems that explore the quantity of whole numbers to 100 (e.g., a student might wonder: "How many pets would there be if everyone in the class brought their pets to class"). |
(d) |
Represent quantities to 100 using proportional materials (e.g., tallies, ten frames, and base ten blocks) and explain how the representation relates to the numeral used to represent the quantity. |
(e) |
Represent quantities to 100 using non-proportional materials (e.g., stir sticks and popsicle sticks, and coins) and explain how the representation relates to the numeral used to represent the quantity. |
(f) |
Identify whole numbers to 100 stated as a numeral or word form in everyday situations and read the number out loud (e.g., 24 on the classroom door would be read as twenty-four, and read out loud "seventy-three" when found in a piece of writing being read in class). |
(g) |
Create different decompositions for a given quantity using concrete manipulatives or pictures and explain orally how the different decompositions represent the original quantity. |
(h) |
Write numbers to twenty in words when said out loud or given as a numeral. |
(i) |
Analyze a sequence of numbers in order to describe the sequence in terms of a skip counting strategy (by 2s, 5s, or 10s as well as forward and backward) and extend the sequence using the pattern. |
(j) |
Analyze an ordered number sequence (including a hundred chart) for errors or omissions and explain the reasoning. |
(k) |
Sort a set of personally relevant numbers into odd and even numbers. |
(l) |
Hypothesize and verify strategies for skip counting by 10s beginning at any whole number from 0 to 9 (e.g., in a hundred chart, the skip counted numbers always lie on a vertical line; using base ten blocks, skip counting by 10s always increases the number of rods by one; or using numerals, the tens place value always increases by 1 (meaning 10) when skip counting by 10s forwards). |
(m) |
Order a set of personally relevant numbers in ascending or descending order and verify the resulting sequence (e.g., using a hundred chart, number line, ten frames, or place value). |
(n) |
Analyze a number relevant to one's self, family, or community to determine if it is odd or even and verify the conclusion by using concrete, pictorial, or physical representations. |
(o) |
Estimate a quantity from one's life, family, or community by using a referent (known quantity), including 10, and explain the strategies used. |
(p) |
Select a referent for determining a particular quantity and explain the choice. |
(q) |
Critique the statement "A referent for 10 is always a good referent to use". |
(r) |
Represent a 2-digit numeral using ten frames or other proportional base ten materials. |
(s) |
Create representations of different decompositions of the same quantity and explain how the representations represent the same amount. |
(t) |
Explain, using concrete or pictorial representations, the meaning of each digit within a 2-digit numeral with both digits the same (e.g., for the numeral 22, the first digit represents two tens - twenty counters - and the second digit represents two ones - two counters). |
(u) |
Defend the statement "The value of a digit depends on its placement within a numeral". |
(v) |
Demonstrate how to count objects using groupings of 10s and 1s and explain how those groups help in the writing of the 2-digit number that represents the quantity of objects. |