Create dance compositions that express ideas about Saskatchewan using collaborative inquiry and movement problem solving.
Express ideas using the elements of dance including: actions (identify basic dance steps such as schottische, polka, grapevine, and step hop)
  • body (body parts leading movements)
  • dynamics (duration, speed, and force continuum)
  • relationships (alone, partner, small groups)
  • space (asymmetrical and symmetrical shapes, creating and recalling pathways).
Assume a range of roles and strategies in drama work, using a Saskatchewan context as inspiration.
Contribute ideas, when in and out of role, and further the development of the drama by participating in consensus building, choice of strategies, and selection of dramatic alternatives.
Demonstrate increased skills and abilities in the use of voice and instruments (traditional and/or homemade) and develop compositions using Saskatchewan as inspiration.
Create and perform music (voice and instrumental) that demonstrates knowledge of:
  • form (e.g., round, call/response, verse/chorus, rondo)
  • rhythm, beat, and metre (e.g., triplets, 3/4 metre, syncopation; expressive use of tempo and dynamics)
  • pitch, melody, and pentatonic scale (do, re, mi, sol, la, do)
  • harmony and texture (e.g., layers of sound and patterns, partner songs)
  • timbre (e.g., instrument classifications).
Create visual art works that express own ideas and draw on sources of inspiration from Saskatchewan.
Create art works using a variety of visual art concepts (e.g., organic shapes), forms (e.g., kinetic sculpture, mural), and media (e.g., wood, wire, and found objects).
Analyze how dance, drama, music, and visual art works represent unique ideas and perspectives.
Respond thoughtfully to a variety of contemporary Saskatchewan arts expressions.
Investigate and share discoveries about the arts in Saskatchewan through collaborative inquiry.
Analyze and respond to arts expressions of various Saskatchewan First Nations and Métis artists.