Meeting the Needs of All Students

An inclusive physical education environment is one which provides the opportunity for students to participate in physical education and benefit from activities that promote a healthy, active lifestyle. Inclusive physical education recognizes the inherent value of each student; the right to take risks, the need for independence and self-determination, and the right to choice. In an inclusive program:

  • activities are adapted and individualized to meet students' strengths, abilities, interests and needs;
  • cultural, gender and sexual diversity are respected;
  • the environment fosters independence, positive self-esteem, engagement, participation and a sense of belonging;
  • areas of concern are identified (e.g., safety) and plans to address concern/s are created;
  • learning opportunities are challenging, engaging, culturally and developmentally appropriate;
  • support is provided only to the degree required;
  • physical adaptations are implemented to accommodate diversity and reduce barriers; and,
  • positive interactions are modelled and encouraged for the development of authentic positive
  • relationships and friendships.

All students learn to appreciate individual uniqueness, recognize that individuals have their own goals and learn how others persevere to overcome challenges.

In order to create an inclusive physical education program, educators need to:

  • be aware of their students' strengths, abilities, interests and needs;
  • be part of the collaborative school team;
  • contribute to the student's Inclusion and Intervention Plan;
  • implement the Adaptive Dimension; and,
  • develop a method of on-going assessment to respond to students' changing strengths, abilities, interests and needs.

For additional information, please refer to the Government of Saskatchewan website for policy and foundation documents.