Appendix B: Developmental Continuum of Outcomes

Catholic studies curricula have no pre-requisites. Each curriculum, however, builds upon prior learning and brings students to a deeper understanding. Refer to the following chart for a continuum of outcomes for Catholic Studies 9, 10, 20, 30. The outcomes in the chart are rearranged from the natural order presented in each individual curriculum document to demonstrate progression or linking of concepts from one grade to the next.

Catholic Studies 9 Catholic Studies 10
CS9.1 Examine how science and religion influence understanding of creation and faith formation. CS10.2 Examine the history of the development of the four Gospels and consider implications for faith formation.
CS9.2 Examine the significance of God’s covenantal relationship with humanity through the stories of:
  • Adam and Eve
  • Noah
  • Abraham and Sarah.
CS10.1 Examine the significance of God’s covenantal relationship with humanity through the stories of:
  • Moses
  • David
  • selected prophets of the Old Testament.
CS9.3 Express Catholic perspectives on faithful obedience, peace, love, hope and truth within the ongoing nature of salvation history. CS10.4 Express Catholic perspectives on forgiveness, mercy, generosity, justice and joy within the ongoing nature of salvation history.
CS9.4 Investigate Catholic perspectives on sin and virtue and consider ethical and moral implications for one’s life and community. CS10.3 Contrast the Mosaic Law perspective on morality and sin with a contemporary Christian perspective of relationship building with God.
CS9.5 Examine challenges and benefits of developing and living according to one’s conscience. CS10.9 Examine Catholic social teachings and actions involving:
  • reverence for life
  • treatment of the marginalized
  • social sin.
CS9.9 Investigate what it means to be pro-life and describe the benefits and challenges of building a society that values the dignity of life.
CS9.10 Examine personal and societal impacts and ethical perspectives surrounding chastity, abstinence and sexual activity.
CS9.6 Express how and why an individual would develop a personal relationship with God. CS10.6 Evaluate the essential Christian conviction of Jesus as the Messiah.
CS10.11 Express personal beliefs about life after death and spiritual beings considering Catholic perspectives and other views.
CS10.10 Analyze Catholic prayer teachings and reflect on their influence on one’s prayer life.
CS9.7 Investigate how individuals within Catholic communities can help the church achieve her mission. CS10.7 Investigate Catholic evangelization as a call from God.
CS9.11 Assess benefits, risks and responsibilities of digital citizenship from a Catholic perspective. CS10.5 Investigate the existence, source, and purpose of miracles through examples from:
  • the Old Testament
  • the New Testament
  • the historical era of the past 200 years.
CS9.12 Investigate how diverse Catholic rites are varying expressions of the same faith. CS10.12 Examine principles, benefits and challenges of interfaith dialogue.
CS9.8 Examine how religious and spiritual dialogue can develop understanding and move faith communities towards greater unity. CS10.8 Examine the benefits, challenges and responsibilities of being both a member of a church and an engaged citizen.
CS9.13 Describe how one’s experience in a Christian Action Project, rally and/or retreat affects one’s life and understanding of the Catholic faith. CS10.13 Describe how one’s experience in a Christian Action Project, rally and/or retreat affects one’s life and understanding of the call to evangelize.
Catholic Studies 20 Catholic Studies 30
CS20.10 Explain the implications of choosing to live as a “disciple of Christ”. CS30.2 Examine the Catholic understanding of discernment in response to God’s vocational call to each individual.
CS20.1 Examine the fullness of God’s covenant through Jesus and how it applies to one’s life. CS30.3 Examine the daily commitment involved in responding to Jesus’ invitation to live in covenant with God.
CS20.4 Examine how the Paschal Mystery, as the foundation of Catholic faith, shapes views on suffering, death and resurrection. CS30.1 Examine Catholic teachings regarding the nature, role and influence of the Holy Spirit.
CS20.3 Assess how living the Beatitudes of Christ affects individuals and society. CS30.5 Examine ethical implications of freedom.
CS20.9 Assess the value and examine challenges of a life of service in the model of Jesus.
CS20.8 Examine how Catholic social teachings influence personal views regarding issues of labour and the environment. CS30.4 Investigate influences on the development of conscience and its effect on individuals and society.
CS20.7 Contrast Catholic teachings with secular views regarding human sexual morality and reproductive ethics. CS30.6 Investigate the morality and effects of bioethical decisions and other dignity of life issues.
CS20.2 Examine the Christian conviction of Jesus as Lord. CS30.7 Analyze the benefits of being both spiritual and religious.
CS20.5 Investigate how Tradition complements Scripture as a form of Revelation in the Catholic church.
CS20.6 Examine the Church’s mission and its actualization. CS30.9 Examine significant changes in the Catholic Church over time and propose ideas for future growth.
CS20.11 Investigate effects of infusion, suppression and rejection of Christian values and teachings on society. CS30.11 Examine how Catholic faith and teachings can support individuals and communities in positively transforming society.
CS30.8 Analyze the effect reported miracles have on faith and religious expression.
CS20.12 Examine the benefits and challenges of ecumenical dialogue. CS30.10 Assess the influence of ecumenical and interfaith dialogue on one’s faith, religious communities and society.
CS20.13 Analyze the personal and societal effects of an imperfect Church institution and imperfect individuals responding to the call for holiness. CS30.12 Investigate the assertion that dialogue is foundational for peace and unity in the world.
CS20.14 Describe how one’s experience in a Christian Action Project, rally and/or retreat affects one’s life and understanding of Catholic identity. CS30.13 Describe how one’s experience in a Christian Action Project, rally and/or retreat affects one’s spiritual development and religious life.