Analyze the importance of soils as an integral component of terrestrial ecosystems.


Indicators for this outcome
(a) Discuss how First Nations and Métis people value soil as an integral component of Mother Earth, including traditional ways of looking after soil. (STSE, A)
(b) Recognize how the breakdown of parent material through various processes (e.g., weathering, erosion, deposition and decomposition of organisms) results in soil with varying properties (e.g., colour, texture, structure and pH). (K)
(c) Understand the interconnectedness between soil characteristics, ecozones and natural vegetation in Saskatchewan. (K)
(d) Experiment with different soil mixtures, using black earth, compost, sand, top soil, manure, peat moss, vermiculite, loam and/or sand, to determine their suitability for growing different plant species. (S)
(e) Explain common methods scientists use to sample and monitor soil quality over time. (STSE, K)
(f) Collect and analyze soil data (e.g., pH, nitrate, phosphate, potassium, porosity and moisture) using technologies such as sensors and soil test kits safely and effectively. (A, S, STSE)
(g) Research causes and consequences of soil degradation (e.g., wind and water erosion, salinity and desertification) and mitigation strategies (e.g., conservation tillage, contour farming, grassed waterways and shelterbelts) used to reduce the loss of topsoil. (A, K)
(h) Recognize the role and diversity of organisms (e.g., nitrogen fixing bacteria, fungi, mycorrhizae, insects, plants and protists) found within soil environments. (K)
(i) Discuss the role of soil in biogeochemical cycling, including carbon storage and nitrogen fixation, nitrification and denitrification. (STSE)
(j) Examine how phenomena such as erosion, desertification and soil pollution, whether natural or human-caused, affect soil productivity and food production. (STSE)
(k) Investigate how various small- and large-scale composting systems such as composting toilets, trench composting, vermicomposting, windrow composting, anaerobic digestion and mechanical biological treatment work to maintain and improve soil quality. (S, STSE)
(l) Collaborate with a group of peers to propose a landscaping investigation or action plan concerning an aspect of an urban ecosystem (e.g., rooftop gardens, green walls and green spaces) while ensuring conditions affecting local soil are represented. (A, STSE)
Exploring Earth Science (2nd ed.)
This well-illustrated resource explores topics related to all of the outcomes in Earth Science 30, as well as some of the outcomes in Environmental Science 20 and Science 10. Each concept is presented in a two-page spread that concludes with Before You Leave This Page notes to summarize and to expand upon the text. This international student edition incorporates examples from Canada and around the world to illustrate the concepts.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $119.95
Record posted/updated: January 4, 2019
Visualizing the Environment (Canadian edition)
This textbook supports the Integrative Nature of Environmental Science, Terrestrial Ecosystems, Atmospheric Systems and Aquatic Systems outcomes. This is a Canadian edition that provides current and relevant Canadian content for discussion and study. The textbook opens with a narrative introduction to the topic accompanied by a photograph. Additional features of the resource include: illustrated case studies; relevant maps, illustrations and photographs; an EcoCanada career focus section; a What is Happening in this Picture? section; a Making a Difference section that highlights the work of individuals and organizations committed to environmental issues; and process diagrams to support student understanding. Each chapter concludes with a chapter summary and critical and creative thinking questions. This visually appealing textbook includes many National Geographic photographs.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $129.95
Record posted/updated: January 4, 2019
Should Canada Build Pipelines in the United States?
This resource from the Canadian Issues series provides support for the Integrative Nature of Environmental Science and Student-Directed Study outcomes. Through easily accessible text in a flip-book format, the resource offers contrasting viewpoints into the argument of Canada building pipelines in the United States and includes general background information, statistics, a suggested independent activity, a quiz and a concept web.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $16.45
Record posted/updated: February 23, 2022
Dirt! The Movie
Dirt! shares stories from experts all over the world who are studying this resource and discovering new ways to repair our relationship with the soil. The content provides supplemental support for the Terrestrial Ecosystems outcomes for Environment Science 20.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : unavailable
Record posted/updated: February 23, 2022
This resource provides support and suggestions for student-directed study into the Integrative Nature of Environmental Science outcomes, as well as Terrestrial ecosystems and Aquatic Systems outcomes. This National Geographic Learning reader designed for secondary students is composed of twelve magazine-style essays that examine a range of environmental science topics, including water stewardship, deforestation, waste management and the global food crisis. Each article includes pre- and post-reading questions and activities, and is supported by vibrant photography, images and related maps.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $19.95
Record posted/updated: February 23, 2022
Environment. The Science Behind the Stories (Third Canadian ed.)
This Canadian student resource supports all of the outcomes in the Environmental Science 20 curriculum. The discussion of each topic starts with a central case and then goes on to include a section explaining the science behind the story. Each chapter includes the following features: Reviewing Objectives, Testing Your Comprehension, Thinking It Through and Interpreting Graphs and Data.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $155.00
Record posted/updated: September 6, 2019
Physical Geology Today
This book provides an understanding of Earth's geology in four sections, which include topics such as: plate tectonics, the evolution of rocks, weathering and soils, geologic time, glaciers and glaciation, energy resources and coastal processes. Every chapter incorporates questions to check understanding, an explanation of key terms and a summary of key concepts.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $166.95
Record posted/updated: January 4, 2019
Environmental Science. Student Edition
This textbook provides support for all of the Environmental Science 20 outcomes. Each section in the student edition highlights the key objectives for study; a case study and chapter lab are also included to promote inquiry and to develop critical thinking skills. This well-illustrated text also contains chapter reviews and text boxes throughout that connect Environmental Science to other sciences. Because this textbook was published in the United States, educators should plan to supplement this resource will Canadian information and case studies as required.
(More information)
•  Environmental Science. Teacher Edition
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $136.95
Record posted/updated: February 23, 2022
Environmental Science: A Study of Interrelationships (15th ed.)
This student resource addresses all of the Environmental Science 20 outcomes and is written at an age-appropriate reading level. The content is supplemented by a variety of photographs, illustrations, charts and graphs. Although this is an American textbook, a number of Canadian examples are included as environmental issues are discussed.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $119.95
Record posted/updated: January 17, 2020
CurioCity Educator Resources
This website offers a compilation of resources including articles, videos, projects and activities.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: March 7, 2022
The Agri-Environment. Exploring a Healthy Relationship with the Land: An Educational Resource for Environmental Sciences 20
This inquiry-based resource uses hands-on experiments to help students explore the pressures facing the agriculture industry to meet increasing demands for food while sustaining a healthy relationship with the land. The kit includes the materials needed for the experiments, such as: soil samples, pH chambers and testing capsules and aluminum pans.
Media and Formats : Kit
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 30, 2019
The Environment and You (3rd ed.)
This textbook presents environmental challenges and the role that science plays in problem solving and solutions that result in humans living more sustainably and making conscious efforts towards reducing the impact on Earth. Many visual supports such as pictures, graphs and diagrams are included.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $179.99 USD
Record posted/updated: March 2, 2022