Design and create media texts that explore identity, social responsibility and social action.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Create media texts (e.g., song, advertisement, comic strip, sports story, food packaging, feature story, travel blog, commercial, interview, podcast and video game) to explore issues related to:
  • identity (e.g., experiences, traditions and worldview);
  • social responsibility (e.g., environmental sustainability, relationships and treaty rights); and,
  • social action (e.g., advocacy, stewardship and volunteerism).
(b) Select, use and evaluate critically a variety of before, during and after strategies to construct and communicate meaning.
(c) Understand and apply the language cues and conventions to construct and communicate meaning.
(d) Select appropriate language to suit audiences and purposes (e.g., to describe, to inform, to persuade and to entertain).
(e) Explore a variety of mentor texts to examine creative processes (e.g., pre-production, production and post-production), language conventions and style.
(f) Use planning techniques (e.g., research, interviews and storyboards) appropriate to audience, purpose and format.
(g) Experiment with language conventions, artistic devices, digital tools and production techniques to develop own creative processes, style, writing skills and habits.
(h) Demonstrate the behaviours of effective writers, such as:
  • keeping a journal of ideas, reflections and notes;
  • exploring the creative process as an opportunity to enhance understanding of self, others and the world;
  • enhancing personal texts based on self, peer and/or teacher critical feedback; and,
  • applying the creative process by planning, drafting and revising to create a final version.
(i) Design and create texts that present an objective perspective and accurate details.
(j) Examine responsible and ethical ways of using sources of inspiration and information in personal and public communications, compositions and productions.
(k) Discuss legal and ethical issues (e.g., authorship, copyright, ownership and cultural appropriation) associated with designing and creating media texts.