Produce, with some guidance, a variety of short written German texts on familiar topics to express ideas, extend knowledge of the world, achieve objectives and for enjoyment.
Indicators for this outcome

Produce a variety of short written German texts related to big ideas such as:

  • German communities in Canada;
  • festivals and holidays; and,
  • physical health and well-being.
(b) Convey personal information and emotions in paragraphs with simple sentences.
(c) Express opinions and perspectives on various topics (e.g., hobbies, current events and entertainment) in a personal letter.
(d) Recount personal experiences (e.g., holidays and celebrations) using a variety of narrative text types (e.g., short stories, scrapbooks and poetry).
(e) Share factual information in a formal text (e.g., newspaper articles and first-person accounts).
(f) Communicate meaning about time, in the context of making plans and schedules, with reference to the 12-hour and 24-hour clocks.
(g) Experiment with German language and vocabulary through a variety of texts (e.g., poems, short stories, songs, skits and cartoons).
(h) Employ appropriate language and vocabulary when producing formal texts (e.g., menus, surveys and news articles).

Incorporate the following in written productions:

  • evidence of planning (e.g., project chart and timeline);
  • clear purpose;
  • consideration of audience;
  • organization (e.g., opening sentence, order of ideas and word order);
  • appropriate tone;
  • context-specific vocabulary;
  • language suitable to text type; and,
  • linguistic conventions.