Demonstrate, when interpreting oral and written texts, knowledge of German language concepts including basic context-specific vocabulary, word order and linguistic conventions.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Comprehend simple context-appropriate vocabulary in personal texts and basic sight vocabulary (e.g., 250 basic words).
(b) Apply knowledge of simple prefixes (e.g., “ge-” for past perfect tense and “un-” for negation) and suffixes (e.g., “-lich”, “-ig” and “-heit”) to construct meaning.
(c) Identify related words in different forms (e.g., “Ich spiele” / “das Spiel” / “spielerisch”).
(d) Recognize conventions specific to German (e.g., capitalization of nouns, gender of nouns and placement of verb in the sentence).
(e) Analyze the correlation of sound-letter elements.
(f) Investigate generalized patterns for word order and verb conjugations.
(g) Interpret nuance expressed through present tense modal verbs (e.g., “I want to swim on Friday.” and “Ich will am Freitag schwimmen.”).
(h) Identify the use of formal voice (e.g., “Sie” / “Ihnen” as the formal “you”).

Recognize features of German words, including:

  • possessive;
  • negation;
  • consonant clusters; and,
  • long and short vowels.
(j) Interpret meaning from common German gestures and expressions.