Produce a variety of oral non-fiction and fiction Mandarin texts to express ideas, extend knowledge of the world, achieve objectives and for enjoyment.
Indicators for this outcome

Produce a variety of oral Mandarin texts related to big ideas such as:

  • global Mandarin communities;
  • media and technology; and,
  • future plans.
(b) Contribute to spontaneous conversations on familiar topics with multiple participants.
(c) Generate conversations by posing and responding to questions on a variety of topics, such as travel experiences, school aspirations and entertainment preferences.
(d) Experiment with oral language to communicate emotions, opinions and advice.
(e) Act as a middle person in informal situations by relaying basic information from English to short, simple Mandarin and vice versa.
(f) Provide detailed directions to a location.
(g) Conduct an interview by posing, and responding to, direct questions.
(h) Present stories, poetry and monologues with expression, intonation and enunciation.
(i) Defend opinions with supporting arguments in a debate.
(j) Persuade audience of a perspective using convincing details and supporting arguments.
(k) Present information on a topic of interest (e.g., sports, music and travel destination) using a variety of visuals (e.g., charts, maps, diagrams, pictures and gestures) while speaking.

Incorporate the following in oral productions:

  • evidence of planning (e.g., narrative writing organizers and bullet journals);
  • clear purpose;
  • consideration of audience;
  • organization (e.g., introduction, development of ideas, conclusion and flow of ideas);
  • appropriate tone;
  • rich context-specific vocabulary;
  • language suitable to text type; and,
  • linguistic conventions