Demonstrate, when producing oral and written texts, knowledge of Mandarin language concepts including vocabulary, sentence structure and linguistic conventions.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Pronounce Mandarin words with minimum support of hanyu pinyin (i.e. can independently recognize and read out loud words and sentences clearly and precisely).
(b) Speak Mandarin in proper sentence order, clearly and with normal speed, under guided and unguided situations.
(c) Produce proper words in different contexts (e.g., xíngyīnshì).
(d) Correct the use of Standard Chinese characters that look alike but have different meanings (e.g., cuòbié).
(e) Experiment with Standard Chinese characters with the same component (e.g., yuèmíng, péng, yǒu, péng).
(f) Write Standard Chinese characters in normal speed, neatly on blank paper (i.e., without the support of 2 by 2 boxes).
(g) Practise Standard Chinese calligraphy in correct stroke order using brush and ink on paper with 3 by 3 boxes and proper posture.

Compose simple phrases, sentences and paragraphs using the following linguistic conventions such as:

  • simple connectors (e.g., “h é”. “gēn”, “dànshì”, “suīrán”);
  • reflexive pronouns (e.g., “z ìj ǐ”);
  • conjunctions in sentences (e.g., “yòuyòu…”, “yàoshijiù…”, “shìjiùshì…”, “dànérqiě…”, “suīrándànshì/y ě…”, “jiǎr újiù…”, “y ìbiāny ìbiān…”);
  • passive voice in a sentence (e.g., “bèi”, “ràng”, “gěi”, “jiào”);
  • percentage and fractional expressions in Standard Chinese (e.g., “bǎi fēn zhī”(percentage), “sānfēnzhīè r”(23) ). (Note the difference between how the percentage and fractions are read in Standard Chinese compared to English.); and,
  • adjectives to describe intensity (e.g., “tài…+adjective+ …l e”).