Demonstrate, when interpreting oral and written texts, knowledge of Mandarin language concepts including vocabulary, sentence structure and linguistic conventions.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Apply prior knowledge to read new Standard Chinese words using hanyu pinyin.

Comprehend common sight words including:

  • Standard Chinese characters with multiple pronunciations and meanings (e.g., duōyīnduō: 的 – de;发 - tóuchū); and,
  • Standard Chinese characters with multiple meanings (e.g., xīn, ).
(c) Relate different sight words in varying contexts.
(d) Discuss the use of Standard Chinese characters that look alike but have different meanings (e.g., cuò bié ).

Analyze the effect of linguistic conventions on communication, including:

  • reflexive pronouns (e.g., “z ì j ǐ”);
  • conjunctions in sentences (e.g., “yòuyòu…”, “yàoshijiù…”, “shijiùshi …”, “dànérqiě…”, “suīrándànshì/y ě…”, “jiǎr újiù…”, “y ìbiāny ìbiān …”);
  • passive voice in a sentence (e.g., “bèi”, “ràng”, “gěi”, “jiào”);
  • percentage and fractional expressions in Standard Chinese (e.g., “bǎifēnzhī”(percentage), “sānfēnzhīè r” (23)). (Note the difference between how the percentage and fractions are read in Standard Chinese compared to English.); and,
  • adjectives to describe intensity (e.g., “tài…+adjective+ …l e”).