Produce, with some guidance, a variety of short oral Mandarin texts on familiar topics to express ideas, extend knowledge of the world, achieve objectives and for enjoyment.
Indicators for this outcome

Produce a variety of short oral Mandarin texts related to big ideas such as:

  • Chinese communities in Canada;
  • festivals and holidays; and
  • physical health and well-being.
(b) Respond appropriately to other speakers when participating in guided conversations.
(c) Participate in conversations to share information on predictable and familiar topics such as holidays, food and the environment.
(d) Share opinions, and invite others to share theirs, on familiar topics (e.g., fashion, transportation and entertainment).
(e) Provide instructions for performing a task (e.g., following a recipe and reading a map) and model procedures.
(f) Communicate time or dates with lexicalized phrases (e.g., in the summer, last week, next month and midnight).

Conduct phone calls and leave voice mail messages with common phrases such as:

  • explaining anticipated return time (e.g., “w ǒzàixuéxiào, w ǔ diǎn huí jiā”); and,
  • requesting a return phone call (e.g., “w ǒshì” , “qǐnghuíw ǒdiànhuà”).

Communicate about health and well-being:

  • inquire into, and express care about, others’ well-being;
  • relate health problems to a health professional;
  • answer simple questions regarding personal health; and,
  • use gestures and body language to convey the message.
(i) Produce oral presentations (e.g., skits, dialogues and informational presentations) using a variety of visuals (e.g., PowerPoint, charts, maps and pictures) to support expression.
(j) Employ appropriate language and vocabulary in formal presentations.

Incorporate the following in oral productions:

  • evidence of planning (e.g., project charts and timelines);
  • clear purpose;
  • consideration of audience;
  • organization (e.g., opening sentence, order of ideas and word order);
  • appropriate tone;
  • context-specific vocabulary;
  • language suitable to text type; and,
  • linguistic conventions.