Construct meaning, with guidance, of simple written non-fiction and fiction Standard Chinese texts on familiar topics to receive information, extend knowledge of the world, achieve objectives and for enjoyment.
Indicators for this outcome

Read a variety of simple written Standard Chinese texts (e.g., comic books, news headlines and public signs) that address:

  • Chinese communities in Saskatchewan;
  • daily routines; and,
  • personal relationships.
(b) Comprehend simple common signs in Standard Chinese (e.g., Stop, Keep right, Parking, No smoking and Washroom).
(c) Identify key information (e.g., location, date and time of an event) from personal texts (e.g., emails, text messages and cards).
(d) Retrieve important details (e.g., date, time, location and price) from mass media texts (e.g., posters, flyers and advertisements).

Understand the use of numbers to convey messages in Standard Chinese, such as:

  • wàn for ten thousand;
  • shíwàn for hundred thousand;
  • bǎiwàn for million;
  • qiānwàn for ten million; and,
  • 亿y ì for hundred million.
(f) Reiterate the basic directions of written imperative texts.
(g) Make selections from a provided list of options on a simple online survey regarding personal information (e.g., gender, occupation, nationality and age).
(h) Interpret information about time in both 12-hour and 24-hour clock formats.

Identify the following elements in written texts on familiar topics:

  • who is doing an action (i.e., subject);
  • who or what is receiving the action (i.e., direct object);
  • who is affected by the action (i.e., indirect object); and,
  • to whom the indirect object is given.
(j) React to written texts with emotion (e.g., empathy, surprise, appreciation or disgust).