Construct meaning, with guidance, of simple oral non-fiction and fiction Mandarin texts on familiar topics to receive information, extend knowledge of the world, achieve objectives and for enjoyment.
Indicators for this outcome

Listen to and view a variety of simple oral Mandarin texts (e.g., commercials, weather reports and cartoons) that address big ideas such as:

  • Chinese communities in Saskatchewan;
  • daily routines; and,
  • personal relationships.
(b) Respond appropriately in structured interactions with common, simple, short phrases.
(c) Interpret basic expressions in Mandarin (e.g., Yes “shì/shìd e”, No “b úshì/b úshìd e”, Please “qǐng”, Thank you “xièxiè”, Excuse me “duìb uq ǐ”, Sorry “duìb uq ǐ”).
(d) Comprehend and respond to simple questions regarding personal details (e.g., name, age, address and telephone number).
(e) Interpret information related to others’ personal details (e.g., name, age, address and nationality).
(f) Reiterate simple instructions in familiar contexts.
(g) Summarize simple oral texts (e.g., weather reports and commercials).

Interpret simple conversations and respond appropriately to basic interactions, including:

  • greetings and leave-taking;
  • invitations;
  • classroom instructions;
  • requests for help; and,
  • daily routines and activities.
(i) React to simple oral texts with emotion (e.g., empathy, surprise, appreciation or disgust).