Demonstrate, when producing oral and written texts, knowledge of Mandarin language concepts including pronunciation and tones (hanyu pinyin), strokes and writing orders, characters, basic context-specific vocabulary and phrases, sentence structure and linguistic conventions.
Indicators for this outcome

Pronounce slowly and clearly, with correct tones in hanyu pinyin (see Appendix A):

  • 23 initials;
  • 24 finals;
  • formation of syllables; and,
  • single words.
(b) Combine single words to produce simple phrases using the initials, finals and syllables with correct tones in hanyu pinyin.
(c) Participate in Mandarin conversations using short, simple and structured sentences in familiar contexts (e.g., numbers, money, time and colours).

Write the eight fundamental radicals/strokes in Standard Chinese:

  • horizontal strokehéng;
  • vertical strokeshù;
  • upper right-to-bottom left strokepiě;
  • upper left-to-bottom right stroke;
  • dotdiǎn;
  • bottom left-to-upper right stroke;
  • hookgōu; and,
  • foldzhé.

Practise writing Standard Chinese characters:

  • in proper order;
  • in combinations of strokes to form Chinese words; and,
  • in 2 by 2 boxes with correct sequence.
(f) Distinguish some words (z ì) and simple phrases (c í) related to familiar context.
(g) Write simple Standard Chinese characters in familiar situations with correct writing orders.

Produce simple phrases and sentences using Mandarin and Standard Chinese grammatical components, including:

  • pronouns first/second/third person forms (e.g., “men” in plural forms, same pronunciation yet different writing and different meaning to indicate female/male/object in Standard Chinese ([e.g., “t ā”,“t ā”, “t ā”]);
  • pronouns + “d e” to indicate possessive adjectives/pronouns in Standard Chinese in familiar situations;
  • interrogative words (e.g., who “shuí”, what “shénme”, when “shénmeshíhòu”, where “n ǎl i”, which n ǎ一个, why “wèishénme”, how “zěnyàng”,“r úh é”, “duōshǎo”) with proper sentence structures;
  • m a” in an interrogative sentence;
  • l e” and “zài” in various situations;
  • y ě” (means “also”, “too”) in response sentences;
  • negation words in proper sentences/questions (e.g., “b ù”, “méi”, “méiyǒu”);
  • “对”, “是的”, “可以” to give an affirmative response; and,
  • measure words liàngc í to describe the shape/size of an object (e.g., g è, zhī, tiáo, l ì, běn, zhī, jiān).