Listen to, comprehend and interpret information and ideas, about creative writing, presented in informal and formal situations.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Listen to and interact appropriately with others to communicate and explore understandings, information, ideas and opinions.
(b) Select, use and evaluate critically a variety of before, during and after strategies to construct meaning when listening.
(c) Understand and apply language cues and conventions to construct and confirm meaning when listening.
(d) Discuss conventions of aural communication in various cultures, including First Nations and Métis.
(e) Engage in reflective, analytical, empathic and appreciative listening.
(f) Demonstrate critical listening behaviours including:
  • filtering distractions, demonstrating a willingness to tolerate ambiguity and exploring multiple perspectives;
  • analyzing and evaluating explicit and implicit messages, concepts, viewpoints, theme and tone;
  • formulating and supporting conclusions about the ideas under discussion;
  • using effective note-making strategies;
  • analyzing oral texts in relation to specific criteria; and,
  • preparing and presenting critical responses.
(g) Reflect on oral statements made by self and others.