Speak to communicate ideas and information, related to creative writing, in informal and formal situations.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Use oral language to explore own and others’ ideas and to express understanding.
(b) Select, use and evaluate critically a variety of before, during and after strategies to construct meaning when speaking.
(c) Understand and apply the language cues and conventions to construct and communicate meaning when speaking.
(d) Adjust language and tone to suit audience, purpose and situation.
(e) Use oral language to contribute to small and large-group discussions:
  • Establish the purpose and set goals.
  • Clarify individuals' roles and responsibilities.
  • Establish and maintain relationships.
  • Build on the ideas of others and contribute relevant information and ideas.
  • Question others respectfully but also critically.
  • Analyze oral statements made by self and others.
  • Clarify and elaborate upon own ideas when necessary.
(f) Use a variety of formative assessment tools when conferring with peers and teachers about writing.
(g) Present a reading or performance of original text using a style and voice appropriate to audience and purpose.
(h) Discuss conventions of oral and non-verbal communication in various cultures, including First Nations and Métis.
(i) Employ oral presentation elements (e.g., articulation, pronunciation, volume, tempo, pitch, eye contact, facial expression, gestures and poise) appropriate for purpose and audience.