Investigate mentor texts as resources to inform the craft of creative writing.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Explore creative processes and writing techniques in a variety of visual, multimedia, oral and print mentor texts.
(b) Examine strategies and techniques that writers employ to develop their ideas and to present them in fresh and interesting ways.
(c) Interpret and discuss the use of language and literary devices in a range of texts, considering the personal, cultural, political and historical contexts in which they were created.
(d) Research writing processes used to organize thoughts, explore ideas and communicate meaning.
(e) Examine the relationship between reading and writing and work to develop own reading habits.
(f) Research and experiment with techniques for composing texts in a variety of forms and genres.
(g) Analyze information (e.g., whose voice is heard, whose is not) from a variety of texts.
(h) Compare different texts to explore how writers communicate similar ideas, information or issues.
(i) Experiment with writing techniques and styles to develop own creative processes, writing skills and habits.
(j) Explore the career experiences of creative writers (e.g., poet, novelist, playwright, travel writer and sports or news correspondent).
(k) Discuss legal and ethical issues (e.g., authorship, copyright, ownership and cultural appropriation) associated with the craft of writing.