Create and publish broadcast journalism texts that explore identity, social responsibility and social action.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Create a range of broadcast journalism texts (e.g., news story, editorial, sports story, feature story and review) to explore personal viewpoints and others’ perspectives on issues related to:
  • identity (e.g., experiences, traditions and worldviews);
  • social responsibility (e.g., environmental sustainability, human rights and treaty rights); and,
  • social action (e.g., advocacy, stewardship and volunteerism).
(b) Explore what makes a story newsworthy (e.g., proximity, prominence, timeliness, oddity, consequence, conflict, human interest, extremes/superlatives, scandal and impact).
(c) Select, use and evaluate critically a variety of before, during and after strategies during pre-production, production and post-production of broadcast journalism texts.
(d) Understand and apply the language cues and conventions to construct and communicate meaning when writing and speaking.
(e) Determine audience and purpose and select appropriate format (e.g., television, radio, podcast or website).
(f) Employ the elements of a news story:
  • Use the news writing style appropriate to the story.
  • Write effective headlines.
  • Use precise, simple words.
(g) Analyze the skills and dispositions of effective broadcasters.
(h) Present original broadcast texts that demonstrate an objective perspective and accurate details.