Employ journalistic research skills to gather and communicate information.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Explore the elements (e.g., timeliness, proximity, prominence, conflict, progress and emotions) of a newsworthy story.
(b) Record details (e.g., habits, customs, human institutions, cultural groups, events and natural world) of everyday life as documentable and symbolic subject matter that contributes to social understanding.
(c) Locate, assess and summarize information from a variety of sources.
(d) Conduct extensive research to verify facts and elaborate with details.
(e) Evaluate the credibility of sources by determining:
  • why the information was created;
  • if the information presented is fact or opinion;
  • if the factual information can be confirmed by other sources;
  • the point of view and possible bias; and,
  • who created the information.
(f) Document sources and integrate quotations by adhering to journalistic conventions and reference tools (e.g., The Canadian Press Stylebook and New Canadian Media Ethnic Media & Diversity Style Guide).
(g) Develop and use time management strategies to produce quality materials within publication timelines.