Journalism Studies 20
Examine print, broadcast and photojournalism texts for accuracy, style and journalistic conventions.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) | Analyze and discuss how language, text structures and distinctive conventions communicate information in a variety of journalistic texts. |
(b) | Assess the quality, reliability and authenticity of various journalistic texts, including print, broadcast and photojournalism. |
(c) | Examine perspectives, beliefs or biases evident in a variety of journalistic texts and their potential impact on the consumer. |
(d) | Discuss the representation of groups and individuals (e.g., whose voice is heard, whose voice is missing) in journalistic texts. |
(e) | Assess the elements (e.g., timeliness, proximity, prominence, conflict, progress and emotions) of a newsworthy story. |
(f) | Examine different journalistic styles to explore how similar ideas, information or issues are communicated in a variety of texts. |
(g) | Discuss consumer responsibilities (e.g., think critically, ask questions and verify information) when engaging with journalistic texts. |