Investigate opportunities to use and develop French language skills internationally and affirm personal identity as a French language learner.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Assess, select and utilize opportunities to communicate in French at the global level (e.g., French social media groups, blogging or vlogging in French, French language books or magazines, French films, speaking or corresponding in French with people from various parts of the Francophone world).
(b) Investigate global opportunities to continue to learn and use the French language for study, work, recreation or travel (e.g., post-secondary programs, overseas careers in French, international cultural exchanges).
(c) Discuss how international organizations (e.g., Alliance française, Portail jeunesse de la Francophonie, TV5Monde) may be used to support further learning about French language and Francophone culture.
(d) Explore international career fields for which the ability to speak French is a requirement or an asset (e.g., Olympics, Red Cross, Médecins sans frontières, Reporters Without Borders).
(e) Explain how personal understanding of a culture might be enhanced through language learning.
(f) Describe ways in which bilingualism or plurilingualism might enrich one’s life.
(g) Reflect on personal linguistic and cultural identity.