Explore historical and contemporary elements, and the cultural and linguistic diversity, of Francophone cultures around the world.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Recognize that there are Francophones and Francophone communities in many parts of the world.
(b) Interview Francophones from various regions and backgrounds to learn about their cultures and heritage (e.g., food, songs, dance, language, activities, stories, experiences, families).

Inquire about Francophone culture and heritage (e.g., the arts, celebrations, community, traditions) in various parts of the world by:

  • reading, listening to or viewing tourist information or facts about Francophone countries or regions around the world;
  • researching festivals such as Bastille Day, Mardi gras, Festival Cinergie, Journée internationale de la Francophonie and la Fête de la musique; and,
  • exploring cultural places or historic sites such as Moroccan souks, Musée de l’Amérique francophone, Normandy.
(d) Outline ways in which Francophone culture and heritage are supported by various organizations (e.g., Alliance française, l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie, TV5Monde).
(e) Describe the lives and cultural and historic contributions of Francophones such as Claude Monet, Youssou N’Dour, Josephine Baker.
(f) Select and recommend works of art or literature (e.g., songs, paintings, poetry, film) by Francophones from around the world.
(g) Examine and compare elements of Francophone culture and heritage (e.g., food, the arts, celebrations, community, traditions, language, history) in various parts of the world.


  • countries where French is the only official language (e.g., France, Senegal, Monaco);
  • countries where French is a co-official language (e.g., Canada, Belgium, Haiti);
  • countries where French is an officially recognized language (e.g., Lebanon, Mauritius); and,
  • varieties of French used in various parts of the world (e.g., Quebec French, African French, Cambodian French, Cajun French).
(i) Explore the indigenous peoples of various Francophone countries of the world.