
Produce, independently, a variety of oral French texts on a variety of topics, in various situations:

  • to express ideas;
  • to extend knowledge of the world;
  • to achieve objectives; and,
  • for entertainment and enjoyment.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Apply speaking strategies before, during and after oral production.

Produce a variety of oral texts related to topics such as:

  • global arts, culture and travel;
  • Indigenous celebrations around the world;
  • self and identity;
  • opportunities and adventures; and,
  • careers.
(c) Model procedures such as making a travel ‘bucket list’, planning a path toward a preferred career or promoting a French cultural activity.
(d) Convey and justify personal opinions on various topics such as musical preferences or career choices.
(e) Communicate information clearly and effectively.
(f) Lead or participate in a one-on-one interview.
(g) Present a spoken word poem or a part in a play.
(h) Participate effectively in spontaneous or planned conversations among multiple people.

Incorporate the following in oral texts:

  • clear purpose;
  • consideration of audience;
  • organization (e.g., introduction, order of ideas, conclusion);
  • appropriate tone;
  • vocabulary and word choice;
  • language suitable to text type; and,
  • linguistic conventions.