Investigate opportunities to use and develop French language skills in Canada and reflect on personal identity as a French language learner.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Select and utilize opportunities to communicate in French at the national level (e.g., French-Canadian social media groups, national French language magazines, French-Canadian television, speaking or corresponding in French with interviewees or students from another province or territory).
(b) Investigate opportunities in Canada to continue to learn and use the French language for study, work, recreation or travel (e.g., post-secondary programs, careers in French, French cultural exchanges).
(c) Describe how national organizations such as Le Corridor, Radio-Canada, Métis National Council and L’Office national du film du Canada may be used to support further learning about French language and Francophone culture.
(d) Explore career fields in Canada for which the ability to speak French is a requirement or an asset (e.g., Federal government, English immersion education, tourism, Royal Canadian Mounted Police).
(e) Explain connections between language and culture.
(f) Discuss benefits of being able to speak French in Canada (e.g. being able to work anywhere in Canada, accessing higher pay, participating in cultural events).
(g) Reflect on personal language journey and aspirations for future language learning.