Explore historical and contemporary elements, and the cultural and linguistic diversity, of Francophone cultures in Canada.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Discuss regional names for French Canadians across the country (p. ex. Fransaskois, Franco-Yukonnais, Acadiens).
(b) Interview French Canadians from various regions and backgrounds to learn about their cultures and heritage (e.g., food, songs, dance, language, activities, stories, experiences, families).

Inquire about Francophone culture and heritage (e.g., the arts, celebrations, community, traditions) in Canada by:

  • reading, listening to or viewing tourist information or facts about French-Canadian communities;
  • researching Canadian festivals such as Carnaval de Québec (Québec, QC), Festival du Voyageur (Winnipeg, MB), Carnaval de St. Isidore (St. Isidore, AB) and Festival du bois (Coquitlam, BC);
  • exploring Canadian cultural or historic sites such as Les plaines d’Abraham, Grand-Pré National Historic Site, Rocky Mountain House, Musée de Saint-Boniface, and l’Ile d’Orléans; and,
  • studying Canadian organizations such as Le Corridor, Métis National Council and L’Office national du film du Canada.
(d) Outline ways in which Francophone culture and heritage are supported by various organizations (e.g., Radio-Canada, La Presse, Patrimoine Canada, The Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages).
(e) Describe the lives and cultural and historic contributions of French Canadians such as Pierre Core French 10, 20, 30 38 Elliott Trudeau, Mario Lemieux, Michaëlle Jean, Louis Riel, Joe Fafard and Céline Dion.
(f) Recommend works of art or literature (e.g., songs, paintings, poetry, film) by French-Canadians.
(g) Examine and compare elements of Francophone culture and heritage (e.g., food, the arts, celebrations, community, traditions, language, history) of a variety of communities, such as Beaumont, AB; St.-Boniface, MB; Ottawa, ON; Gaspé, QC and Edmunston, NB.
(h) Explore the relationship between Francophone and Métis cultures in Canada.
(i) Explore current & historical experiences of Francophone newcomers to Canada through firsthand accounts, and by consulting organizations such as l’Immigration francophone; Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada; International Organization for Migration; and Canadian Council for Refugees.