
Select and apply, with some guidance, a variety of strategies to:

  • interpret oral and written texts in French;
  • produce oral and written texts in French; and,
  • reflect on personal language learning.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Determine and implement effective process before, during and after listening, viewing or reading.
(b) Develop tools (e.g., vocabulary lists, charts, audio files) and consult resources (e.g., grammar reference books, posters, electronic applications) to support the interpretation of oral and written text.

Apply language learning strategies to support the interpretation of oral and written texts, such as:

  • using supplementary information (e.g., research prior to viewing, subtitles, glossary, graphics) to make meaning;
  • examining key words and context clues;
  • identifying cognates in French (e.g., chante – chanteuse) or from another language (e.g., dance – danse) to decipher words; and,
  • recognizing physical and auditory cues (e.g., facial expressions, gestures, laughter, tone, volume).
(d) Summarize the oral or written message.
(e) Share personal reaction to the message.
(f) Reflect on personal French listening, viewing or reading process.
(g) Determine and implement an effective process for use before, during and after speaking or writing.
(h) Devise a plan for speaking or writing using a tool such as a timeline or a project chart.
(i) Develop tools (e.g., vocabulary lists, charts, audio files) and consult resources (e.g., grammar reference books, posters, electronic applications) to support the production of oral and written text.

Apply language learning strategies to support the production of oral and written text, such as:

  • taking risks using prior knowledge and cognates to express oneself in French; and,
  • using physical and auditory cues (e.g., facial expressions, gestures, laughter, tone, volume) to convey meaning.
(k) Evaluate personal oral or written production and provide suggestions for improvement.
(l) Reflect on personal French speaking or writing process.
(m) Regularly use the French language for personal communication.
(n) Describe ways in which risk-taking can further personal language learning.
(o) Reflect on possible strategies to address challenges of learning an additional language.