
Produce, with some guidance, a variety of multi-paragraph written non-fiction and fiction French texts on various topics:

  • to express ideas;
  • to extend knowledge of the world;
  • to achieve objectives; and,
  • for entertainment and enjoyment.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Apply the writing process before, during and after writing.

Produce a variety of written texts related to topics such as:

  • Canadian arts, culture and travel;
  • Indigenous celebrations;
  • family;
  • leisure and entertainment; and,
  • cultural and language exchanges.
(c) Provide directions, or instructions for performing a task.
(d) Write a letter to a family member or pen pal.
(e) Write a persuasive text such as a movie or restaurant review.
(f) Provide information by writing a short newspaper article or personal story.
(g) Describe and compare Canadian communities, geographical points of interest or cultural elements.
(h) Create a cartoon, a short song or a skit.

Incorporate the following in written texts:

  • evidence of planning (e.g., timeline, project chart);
  • clear purpose;
  • consideration of audience;
  • organization (e.g., word order, flow of ideas);
  • appropriate tone;
  • rich context-specific vocabulary; and,
  • linguistic conventions.