
Produce, with some guidance, a variety of oral French texts on a variety of topics:

  • to express ideas;
  • to extend knowledge of the world;
  • to achieve objectives; and,
  • for entertainment and enjoyment.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Apply speaking strategies before, during and after oral production.

Produce a variety of oral texts related to topics such as:

  • Canadian arts, culture and travel;
  • Indigenous celebrations;
  • family;
  • leisure and entertainment; and,
  • cultural and language exchanges.
(c) Model procedures such as providing instructions for performing a task, reading a map or giving or following directions.
(d) Convey personal opinions or perspectives on various topics such as hobbies or current events.
(e) Relate descriptions of hobbies, people and personal interests.
(f) Communicate information such as current events or first-person accounts.
(g) Create and present a short dialogue.
(h) Present a poem or a short story.
(i) Participate effectively in guided conversation.

Incorporate the following in oral texts:

  • clear purpose;
  • consideration of audience;
  • organization (e.g., opening sentence, development of ideas);
  • appropriate tone;
  • context-specific vocabulary;
  • language suitable to text type; and,
  • linguistic conventions.