Assess the implications of human actions on the local and global climate and the sustainability of ecosystems.
Indicators for this outcome

Pose questions or problems relating to the effects of human actions on global climate change and the sustainability of ecosystems that arise from personal research. (A, S, STSE)


Reflect upon your personal view of humanity's relationship with the environment. (STSE, A)


Research how people from Aboriginal and other cultures view relationships between living organisms and their ecosystems, and the role of humans in those relationships. (STSE)


Examine the positions of First Nations and government agencies responsible for the stewardship and management of resources, including the duty to consult. (STSE, A)


Evaluate changes in the scientific worldview of sustainability and human's responsibility to protect ecosystems, considering key milestones and publications such as Our Common Future, Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, Agenda 21, Convention on Biological Diversity and the Bonn Declaration. (STSE, A)


Discuss why it is important to consider economic, social justice and environmental perspectives when examining sustainability. (STSE, A)


Select, integrate and analyze the validity of information from various human, print and electronic sources (e.g., government publications, community resources and personally collected data), with respect to sustainability, sustainable development and education for sustainable development. (S)


Provide examples of human actions that have contributed to the anthropogenic greenhouse effect. (K, STSE)


Research how scientists examine changes to the key indicators of climate change (e.g., CO2 concentration, global surface temperature, Arctic sea ice area, land ice mass and sea level) to support the scientific understanding of climate change. (K, STSE, A)


Reflect upon individual and societal behavioural and lifestyle choices that can help to minimize anthropogenic sources of global climate change. (K, STSE)


Develop, present and defend a position or course of action based on personal research related to mitigating the effects of global or local climate change or to enhancing the sustainability of an ecosystem, taking into account human and environmental needs. (S, A, STSE)


Assess the current and potential future effects of ongoing changes to Earth's climate systems on the people and the environment in Saskatchewan and Canada's Arctic region. (K, STSE)

Adapting to Our Changing Climate in Canada Poster
This poster will help students learn more about our changing climate, the impacts it's having and how Canadians are adapting.
Media and Formats : Other
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 4, 2019
Addicted to Plastic
This feature-length documentary is an investigation to find out what we really know about plastics and why there is so much plastic in our world. The video illustrates their toxic legacy and showcases the men and women dedicated to developing solutions to plastic pollution.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 10, 2019
Nelson Science 10. Concepts and Connections
Nelson Science 10: Concepts and Connections was listed in the bibliography of resources to support Science 10 in 2005 and its components continue to be applicable for supporting the Science 10 (2014) curriculum.
•  Nelson Science 10. Concepts and Connections. Student Text
•  Nelson Science 10. Concepts and Connections. Teacher's Resource
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Below Zero
Below Zero is an instructional resource for educators teaching about natural resources within winter and frozen environments. Designed to complement the Project WILD Activity Guide, the activities in Below Zero promote awareness, knowledge, skills and responsible behaviour towards wildlife in winter environments. The activity guide contains four sections: Awareness and Appreciation, Habitat and Ecological Principles, Adaptation and Responsible Human Actions. Teachers are encouraged to select and adapt activities from this resource that align with curriculum outcomes and meet the needs of students.
Below Zero activity guides are free to teachers attending a Below Zero workshop, often offered in conjunction with Project WILD workshops. These workshops provide an opportunity to experience the activities and to plan how to use them in the classroom. A modest registration fee covers workshop materials and expenses.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : Free to workshop participants
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
BC Science 10. Student Edition
This textbook, designed for the British Columbia science curriculum, provides support for Climate Change, Ecosystems, and Chemical Reactions outcomes, as well as moderate support for the Force and Motion in our World outcomes of the renewed Saskatchewan Science 10 curriculum. This resource includes strategies for a variety of learners, hand-on activities, and web-based content.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $90.74
Record posted/updated: August 29, 2019
Native Plants, Water and Us!
This booklet offers general information on aquatic ecosystems, their functions and the important roles that native plants play within them. This resource focuses on aquatic ecosystems and the associated native vegetation in an agricultural context. Included are a table of contents, a glossary, lists of resources and Saskatchewan contacts.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : Contact the NPSS for a free copy
Record posted/updated: July 31, 2019
This video program explores the characteristics of a grassland biome. It illustrates the effect of climate on soil type, vegetation and wildlife. Abiotic and biotic factors are introduced and a straightforward demonstration clarifies their relationship. The program addresses agricultural practices that support or destroy grassland habitats. Plant adaptations and food chains are also discussed.
Teachers may wish to use other programs from the Biomes of the World in Action series. Program titles include Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forests, Deserts, Freshwater Ecosystems, Marine Ecosystems, Rainforest Biomes and Tundra.
(More information)
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $119.99
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Focused Study. Sustaining Biodiversity and the Role of Native Plants. Grade 10
The students will study a local ecosystem to understand the amount of biodiversity that is in a local healthy functioning ecosystem. They will try to mimic the ecosystem by creating a small native plant garden in an area that is lacking biodiversity. This is a hands-on lesson in the active participation of sustaining biodiversity.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: January 2, 2019
Newfoundland and Labrador Science 10
This textbook consists of four units: Weather Dynamics, Chemical Reactions, Motion and Sustainability of Ecosystems. Each unit begins with preparatory questions and a launch of inquiry questions and ends with unit summary questions. There are investigation and project ideas throughout the resource. Many examples of concepts are specific to Newfoundland and Labrador and Canada.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $66.95
Record posted/updated: March 4, 2022
Nelson Science 10
Nelson Science 10 was listed in the bibliography of resources to support Science 10 in 2005 and its components continue to be applicable for supporting the Science 10 (2014) curriculum.
•  Nelson Science 10. Computerized Assessment Bank
•  Nelson Science 10. Student Text
•  Nelson Science 10. Teacher's Resource Package
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: October 14, 2019
The Changing Climate and Environment of Western Canada
Produced by the University of Saskatchewan and the Changing Cold Regions Network, this short documentary focuses on how the climate and environment in Western Canada's cold interior are changing and will continue to change in the 21st century.
Media and Formats : Video
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: March 2, 2022
Manitoba Science 10
This textbook consists of four units: Dynamics of Ecosystems, Chemistry in Action, In Motion and Weather Dynamics. Each unit begins with preparatory questions and a launch of inquiry questions and ends with unit summary questions. There are investigation and project ideas throughout the resource. Many examples of concepts are specific to Manitoba and Canada.
•  Manitoba Science 10. Teacher's Resource
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $93.95
Record posted/updated: March 4, 2022
Nelson Science Perspectives 10. Student Edition
This textbook provides support for the Climate Change and Chemical Reactions outcomes, but does not provide support for the Force and Motion in Our World or Ecosystems outcomes. Each of the resource's five units is introduced by a photograph that connects the big ideas of the unit to the real world. Some of the features of the resource include: STSE (Science-Technology-Society-Environment) articles, concept maps, sample problems, investigations and activities, reading and writing strategies and features from science journals. The chapters conclude with a summary of key concepts, a review, a self-quiz and suggested unit task. This textbook does not include First Nations and Métis content, perspectives or ways of knowing.
(More information)
•  Nelson Science Perspectives 10. ExamView Test Bank
•  Nelson Science Perspectives 10. Teacher's Resource
Media and Formats : Book Other
Price : $85.95
Record posted/updated: November 5, 2021
Scientists in various fields of life science explain the flow of energy through an ecosystem. They discuss biotic and abiotic factors, as well as the roles of producers and consumers. The DVD encourages viewers to consider the impact of humans on ecosystems and on biogeochemical cycles such as the carbon cycle, the nitrogen cycle, the phosphorous cycle and the hydrological cycle.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $149.00
Record posted/updated: July 31, 2019
Saskatchewan's Native Prairie: Taking Stock of a Vanishing Ecosystem and Dwindling Resource
This booklet presents information on Saskatchewan's native prairie. It briefly examines the impact of settlement on the region and the importance of the prairie landscape to culture and heritage. Maps, charts and graphs, focusing on the southern half of the province, illustrate prairie ecoregions, vegetation cover and soil capability. Threats to the prairie landscape are identified, as well as conservation initiatives. Numerous sources of additional information are provided.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 31, 2019
Blue Sky Dreaming
What does carbon neutrality really mean? This episode of Earth Report highlights four countries and many corporations that are pledging to go carbon neutral.
One such country is New Zealand which plans to be the first country to create a completely carbon neutral economy. Their 2020 target includes ambitious plans to radically reduce greenhouse gas emissions by increasing renewable power generation and switching to sustainable transport like electric cars.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Carbon Cycle and the Environment. Grade 10
This resource was developed to help Science 10 teachers incorporate carbon capture and storage (CCS) into their pre-existing course. The module provides lessons and activities for teachers to introduce CCS to their students.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: April 26, 2019
Project WILD Activity Guide
The 2002 Project WILD Activity Guide features activities designed to develop awareness, knowledge, skills and the environment. Through many of the activities, students are engaged in informed decision making in which they consider the impact of their actions on the ecosystem. Each multigrade activity includes objectives, method, background information, materials and procedures, as well as extension and evaluation ideas. The activity guide contains seven sections: Awareness and Appreciation; Diversity of Wildlife Values; Ecological Principles, Management and Conservation; People, Culture and Wildlife; Trends, Issues, and Consequences; and Responsible Human Actions. Teachers are encouraged to select and adapt activities that align with curriculum outcomes and meet the needs of students.
Project WILD activity guides are free to teachers who attend a Project WILD workshop. These workshops provide an opportunity to experience the activities and to actively plan how to use them in the classroom. A modest registration fee will cover workshop materials and expenses.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : Free to workshop participants
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Focused Study. Cultural Perspectives on Saskatchewan Native Plant Uses. Grade 10
Students will connect science and Indigenous knowledge while inquiring about the uses of a specific native plant. The students will each choose an individual local native plant to study, focusing on the human uses of that plant. A walk in a local native ecosystem is integral to this study.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: December 27, 2018
Biodiversity in Crisis
This Canadian resource from the Issues 21 series examines topics in biodiversity from a variety of perspectives. The series uses an inquiry-based, interdisciplinary approach to encourage students to investigate issues that affect their lives. Each title in the series is available in packages of either 6 or 16 books, including a teacher's guide with suggestions to support students in the inquiry process, assessment ideas and interdisciplinary connections.
Media and Formats : Book Kit
Price : \$154.50 (6-pack)/\$340.00 (16-pack)
Record posted/updated: January 4, 2019
Investigating Science 10. Student Edition
This textbook, developed to support the Ontario Science 10 curriculum, provides support for the Chemical Reactions and Climate Change outcomes, but does not provide support for the Saskatchewan Science 10 outcomes of Force and Motion in our World or Ecosystems. The resource is structured using big ideas and enduring understandings, and includes many STSE (Science-Technology-Society-Environment) connections and real-world examples. The resource includes easy-to-teach labs and activities. This textbook does not contain First Nations and Métis content and perspectives.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $96.87
Record posted/updated: August 28, 2019
Climate Change - Evaluating Information Sources
This lesson plan teaches students to sort through various perspectives in their information sources, using careful research and critical thinking.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: March 19, 2019
CurioCity Educator Resources
This website offers a compilation of resources including articles, videos, projects and activities.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: March 7, 2022
The Environment and You(3rd ed.)
This textbook presents environmental challenges and the role that science plays in problem solving and solutions that result in humans living more sustainably and making conscious efforts towards reducing the impact on Earth. Many visual supports such as pictures, graphs and diagrams are included.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $179.99 USD
Record posted/updated: March 2, 2022
Planet X: 'Out of This World' Opportunities in Agriculture and Food
This lesson focuses on the many professions within the agriculture and food sector. Students will gain appreciation and knowledge of the multitude of professions that exist within this realm, while also understanding the importance of every day food production and sustainability to the global population.
Media and Formats : Document
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: May 29, 2019
ArcGIS Online
ArcGIS Online enables you to connect people, locations, and data using interactive maps. It enables you to work with smart, data-driven styles and intuitive analysis tools that deliver location intelligence. It also enables the user to share insights with the world or specific groups. The website contains a tutorial, links to suggested subjects and projects, lesson plans and activities.
Media and Formats : Video Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: February 1, 2022