Physical Science: Characteristics of Electricity


Demonstrate and analyze characteristics of static electric charge and current electricity, including historical and cultural understanding.
Analyze the relationships that exist among voltage, current, and resistance in series and parallel circuits.
Assess operating principles, costs, and efficiencies of devices that produce or use electrical energy.
Critique impacts of past, current, and possible future methods of small and large scale electrical energy production and distribution in Saskatchewan.
Pearson Saskatchewan Science 9. Student Text
Pearson Saskatchewan Science 9 is custom published for Saskatchewan and developed by a team of Saskatchewan teachers. At the beginning of each unit, the "Big Ideas" box sets the focus for the unit. A Big Idea then provides the title for each section in the unit. Throughout the unit, opportunities are provided for students to work together, communicate ideas, perform experiments and carry out library and Internet research. Key vocabulary is bolded throughout the unit and an explanation of each term is provided. All key terms and explanations are also listed in a glossary at the back of the book. First Nations and Métis content, perspectives, and ways of knowing are an integral part of the Saskatchewan science textbook. Highlights of the activities and achievements of Saskatchewan men and women are provided in the "Ask an Elder," "Ask an Expert," and "Careers and Profiles" features. In each unit, the "Ask an Elder" feature provides access to the wisdom of a First Nations or Métis Elder or Traditional Knowledge Keeper, who shares an oral story related to the content of that unit.
(More information)
•  Pearson Saskatchewan Science 9. Teacher's Resource Kit
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $102.38
Record posted/updated: October 14, 2019
Understanding Electricity
This video program consists of four segments. Part 1, Tune in to TV, looks at the history of television and how images travel from the camera to the screen. Part 2, Generating Electricity, focuses on the generation and transmission of electricity from power plants to cities and homes. Some of the dangers of electricity are also addressed. In Part 3, Bright Lights, Big Benefits, viewers visit Las Vegas as they consider some of the uses of electricity. They also learn about the role of electricity in improving the lives of heart patients and amputees. Part 4, Energy from the Earth, presents a brief description of electric generators and discusses how geothermal energy may be used to generate electricity.
(More information)
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $59.95 US
Record posted/updated: November 28, 2018
R102448 provides construction plans for students to build solar ovens, wind turbines, hydroelectric generators and biogas generators. There is also background information for students and links to renewable energy and sustainable energy technologies. Teachers can register for free at to access related lesson and unit plans. Teachers can also register their classes for the annual Solar Oven Challenge.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : unavailable
Record posted/updated: November 28, 2018
Wet Cells, Dry Cells, Fuel Cells
In this video, viewers learn about the history and development of electrochemical cells. It explains the production of electricity from chemical reactions, including oxidation-reduction. This program demonstrates various types of fuel cells, describing their chemistry, applications, benefits and drawbacks. It concludes with a discussion about the Hydrogen Age and the economic and environmental costs related to fuel cell efficiency.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $100.00
Record posted/updated: July 1, 2020
Transformed. How Everyday Things are Made
Slavin shows the process of how objects are changed from raw materials to the finished products. He uses common items that students are familiar with, such as baseballs. Each two-page spread describes how the object is made by breaking the process down into steps. Illustrations complement the text and show the technology behind the science. Slavin demonstrates the connection between science and technology in making objects. The book includes a table of contents, a glossary, suggestions for further research and an index.
(More information)
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $18.95
Record posted/updated: November 28, 2018
Blue Sky Dreaming
What does carbon neutrality really mean? This episode of Earth Report highlights four countries and many corporations that are pledging to go carbon neutral.
One such country is New Zealand which plans to be the first country to create a completely carbon neutral economy. Their 2020 target includes ambitious plans to radically reduce greenhouse gas emissions by increasing renewable power generation and switching to sustainable transport like electric cars.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : unavailable
Record posted/updated: July 8, 2024
Introduction to Electricity
Students use electricity every day, but they really do not understand where it comes from and how it works. This video program provides some of the early history of electricity and explains the difference between static and current electricity. Students will also learn about current, voltage, and resistance through a combination of graphics and illustrative footage.
Media and Formats : CD/DVD
Price : $95.00
Record posted/updated: November 28, 2018
This free website contains links to physics-related explanations and findings to popular questions. It includes resources such as activities, blogs, videos, and ask-a-physicist. It addresses topics such as waves, materials science, quantum mechanics and chaos theory. The site is supported by the American Physical Society.
Media and Formats : Website
Price : Free
Record posted/updated: March 7, 2022