Research and discuss First Nations and Métis traditional cultural methods of teaching, learning, creating and performing instrumental music.
Indicators for this outcome

Generate inquiry questions to examine the meaning of “ways of knowing” such as:

  • What are some cultural ways of knowing?
  • What are some subject area or discipline-based ways of knowing (e.g., scientific ways of knowing, artistic ways of knowing)?
(b) Research and engage with Elders and local musicians and composers to learn about traditional instrumental music and Indigenous ways of knowing.
(c) Investigate protocols and traditional/natural laws related to creating and performing instrumental music (e.g., gifting of music, issues surrounding cultural appropriation).
(d) Engage with First Nations and Métis musicians (e.g., in person or online) to investigate how instrumental music is taught, learned, created and performed.

Examine connections between spirituality and music across diverse cultures and traditions, for example:

  • religious patrons
  • music commissions
  • music in ritual and ceremony
  • cultural storytelling.
(f) Examine the role of music in expressing Indigenous cultural and individual identity, past and present (e.g., treaty education outcome SI10: Analyze the spirit and intent of treaties and investigate the extent to which they have been fulfilled).