Discuss the historical, cultural and social contexts of repertoire.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Discuss musical elements that indicate the music’s context (e.g., instrumentation, style, cultural background).
(b) Explore the purpose and intent of the piece and apply this learning to own interpretation.
(c) Identify relevant world events, views and cultural contexts that enhance understanding of the repertoire.
(d) Describe the background of the composer.
(e) Examine issues of appropriation in music.
(f) Explore how evolving technology and media have influenced and changed how music is created, produced, distributed and shared (e.g., instrument evolution, recording, printing press, online music sites).
Listen to Movie Musicals!
This book provides a review and analysis of the 50 most popular and famous movie musicals throughout history, beginning with The Jazz Singer in 1927 to the current day.
Media and Formats : Book
Price : See publisher.
Record posted/updated: June 28, 2022