Create a plan for continuing engagement in choral music.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Explore and research pathways and benefits of continuing engagement in choral music.
(b) Conduct an inquiry into opportunities and benefits for continuing lifelong engagement in choral music (e.g., community choirs, musical theatre).
(c) Research career avenues and investigate opportunities (e.g., scholarships, entrance requirements, music schools) for continuing study at the post-secondary level.
(d) Make connections between choral music and other areas of study (e.g., literature, math, science, social sciences, physical education, other arts).
(e) Research and discuss the roles that choral music plays in Saskatchewan including First Nations and Métis traditions.
(f) Research supports for musicians such as unions, professional associations, agents, Elders and Knowledge Keepers, provincial and federal grants (e.g., funding for creation, touring and recording).
(g) Seek opportunities to hear (live and recorded) and participate in choral music performances.