Investigate how the choral music being studied has changed over time (e.g., role of choir, changing styles or genres).
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Discuss how choral music has changed or developed through various eras.
(b) Examine various purposes (e.g., sacred, celebratory, entertainment) of choral music and how those purposes may change.
(c) Discuss why the content (e.g., text, subject matter within a genre, theme, message) of choral music may change over time.
(d) Conduct an inquiry into how aural traditions are maintained or changed in choral music.
(e) Examine ways that choral music can include or exclude people (e.g., audition processes, lack of site reading ability, financial barriers, marginalized populations, access to education).
(f) Co-create a symbolic representation (e.g., visual, vocal, digital) of Saskatchewan choral music.