Consistently demonstrate skills (e.g., intonation, pitch breathing, alignment) and practices necessary for ensemble singing.
Indicators for this outcome
(a) Consistently demonstrate ensemble skills such as:
  • adjusting dynamics
  • blending vowels
  • placing consonants
  • adjusting vibrato
  • maintaining own part.
(b) Demonstrate personal and interpersonal skills necessary for ensemble music making including:
  • etiquette
  • rehearsal protocols
  • leadership.
(c) Explore interpretation abilities through versatility of voice (e.g., inflection, tone, emulating instrumental sounds).
(d) Maintain accurate pitch when singing harmony.
(e) Demonstrate fluency and growth in vocal techniques and musicality when singing advanced vocal ensemble repertoire.
(f) Determine and apply processes (e.g., focusing on a specific part, experimenting with phrasing, running through from start to finish, working on sections, isolating variables, making group choices), with teacher guidance, for collective practise, rehearsal and performance.
(g) Identify musical functions of own part in a song (e.g., melody, harmony, bass line).
(h) Incorporate movement in ensemble work (e.g., use movement to experience music concepts) recognizing how singing involves the whole body.
(i) Demonstrate ability to respond to the conductor.