Explain and model the properties of simple series and parallel circuits.


Indicators for this outcome

State the required characteristics of a simple electric circuit (e.g., a source of electrical energy, a closed path to conduct electrical energy, and a load to convert the electrical energy into another form of energy).


Compare a variety of electrical pathways by constructing simple circuits.


Contrast a closed circuit, open circuit, and short circuit.


Propose questions to investigate, and practical problems to solve, related to simple series and parallel circuits (e.g., "What happens when a light bulb is removed from a series or parallel circuit?", "How can I create a simple circuit using only a battery, light bulb, and one wire?", "How are light circuits in a house wired?").


Construct and test various combinations of simple electric circuits to determine similarities and differences between series and parallel circuits.


Draw electrical circuit diagrams to represent simple series and parallel circuits using appropriate symbols (e.g., battery, conductor, light bulb, motor, and switch).


Construct simple circuits to demonstrate how electrical energy can be controlled to produce light, heat, sound, motion, and magnetic effects.


Design, construct, and troubleshoot an electrical circuit that meets one or more student-specified criteria.

Pearson Saskatchewan Science 6. Student Text
Saskatchewan Science 6 is custom published for Saskatchewan and developed by a team of Saskatchewan teachers. Each unit starts with a list of "Big Ideas" that sets the focus for the unit. A Big Idea then provides the title for each section in the unit. Throughout the unit, opportunities are provided for students to work together, communicate ideas, perform experiments, and carry out library and Internet research. Key vocabulary is bolded throughout the unit and an explanation of each term is provided. All key terms and explanations are also listed in a glossary at the back of the text. First Nations and Métis content, perspectives, and ways of knowing are an integral part of the Saskatchewan science text. Highlights of the activities and achievements of Saskatchewan men and women are provided in the "Ask ..." feature. In each unit, the "Ask ..." feature provides access to the wisdom of a First Nations or Métis Elder or Traditional Knowledge Keeper, who shares an oral story related to the content of that unit.
(More information)
•  Pearson Saskatchewan Science 6. Student Edition E-Book CD
•  Pearson Saskatchewan Science 6. Teacher's Resource
Media and Formats : Book
Price : $89.78
Record posted/updated: October 14, 2019